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Trees Landscape Forum to Be Held to Find Ways to Protect Trees

To establish a good dialogue and communication platform for the protection of trees in Taichung, the Construction Bureau of Taichung City Government held three preparatory meetings on February 12, February 14, and February 18, 2014, respectively, before it convened the pre-meeting for Trees Landscape Forum on March 6. The official Trees Landscape Forum is scheduled in late April. It is hoped to solicit expert opinions for the protection of trees in Taichung City.

Trees are an important asset of a city. They provide green landscapes and reduce carbon emissions. They also perform functions in history, culture, landscape, and customs. As many tree-loving organizations have often challenged how trees are protected during the major public construction projects, such as the BRT traffic system, the land expropriation for re-zoning projects, and the tree pruning work for schools, the Construction Bureau decided to set up the Trees Landscape Forum and invites experts from the industry, the government, the academia, and the NGOs to discuss ways to protect trees. The conclusions and suggestions from the Forum will serve as references for the amendment of technical specifications, the promotion for environmental education, and the management and maintenance of trees.

Construction Bureau has designed the Trees Landscape Forum into 3 sessions (namely "Statutes", "Education" and "Technical"), whose co-conveners were assumed by such NGO organizations as the Taiwan Tree Conservation Society, the Taichung City Millennium Bishopwood Guardian Alliance, the Dadu Sustainable Development Studio, and Taiwan Tree Care Alliance, respectively.

Construction Bureau said further that each meeting has reached some consensus and set up some specific tasks for future execution, including the cross-bureau Trees Maintenance and Management Committee (to be headed by the Mayor), the Technical Review Committee (to be headed by the Construction Bureau), and other relevant Committees in charge of legal and social matters. For example, Taichung Bar Association Foundation has proposed to amend the regulations for "The Taichung City Tree Protection Bylaw", "The Taichung City Tree Protection Committee”, and “The Autonomy Ordinance for Taichung City Parks and Street Trees". The National Federation of Landscape Engineering Association has proposed "The Job Specification for Landscape Planting and Pruning" and “The Operations Specifications for Landscape Planting and Transplant.” The Taichung Flower Gardening Association has proposed "Guidelines for Training and Execution of Tree Pruning, Transplanting, and Planting". All of these have been put into the agenda of the "Taichung City Trees Landscape Forum" to be held in late April. It is hoped that expert opinions can be solicited, the competent authorities of Taichung City Government can implement the conclusions reached in the Forum, and Taichung City can become a truly low-carbon, tree-friendly, and green city.
  • Data update: 2019-07-01
  • Publish Date: 2014-05-02
  • Source: Construction Bureauu
  • Hit Count: 168
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