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An Invitation from Deputy Mayor Ms. Lin of Taichung City to Join the World Flora Expo Marathon

花博國際馬拉松報名開跑 林副市長邀民眾體驗台中之美
花博國際馬拉松報名開跑 林副市長邀民眾體驗台中之美
The 2018 Taichung World Flora Expo will begin synchronically in Fengyuan, Houli, and Waipu. The Sports Bureau of Taichung City Government works with the Association for the Promotion of Prosperity of Huludun, and Great Taichung Real Estate Development Association to jointly organize World Flora Expo Marathon on February 25 next year. The marathon course starts from Fengyuan, Houli, to Waipu including famous scenic sites such as Houfeng Bikeway, Taian Sakura Blossom Site, Shuei Liou Tung Blossom Trail, and Lihpao Land. Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-Ying encourages the public to take a part in the marathon run.

“The Promotion Press Conference of 2018 Taichung World Flora Expo” was organized on the 31st where in the beginning, the Flora Expo Mascot, Omi Horse and the gold medalists in roller sports at Universiade, Yang Ho Chen and Ko Fu-shiuan, and young athletes of Roller Sports Commission of Taichung Municipal Sports Federation performed together under the theme of “Roller Sports-the Waving Flag.”

Accompanied by Director General of Sports Bureau, Wang Ching-tung, Deputy Mayor Lin and Councilman and President of the Association for the Promotion of Prosperity of Huludun, Mr. Chen Ching-long and President of Great Taichung Real Estate Development Association, Mr. Ji Ji-chuan opened the ceremony to invite the public to participate in the marathon run.

According to Deputy Mayor Ms. Lin, Taichung City will host the World Flora Expo next year in Fengyuan, Houli, and Waipu, original districts of Taichung County. Through the Expo, the fineness of these places will be rebuilt and presented with different manners. Next September, trial operations of the Expo will begin and before that, the marathon run will be held first from and to designated Expo sites. It is a rare opportunity. Registration is limited with 10,000 runners allowed. The public is encouraged to part a part to let the world see Taichung’s passion and support to the Expo.

City Councilman, Mr. Chen Ching-long said making the Expo in Taichung visible to the world is our common goal and residents in Taichung shall regard us as the passionate host. Thus, the Association for the Promotion of Prosperity of Huludun and Great Taichung Real Estate Development Association jointly organize the expo marathon to let runners to run through famous scenic sites such as Houfeng Bikeway, Lattice Steel Truss Bridge, Tunnel Number 9, Tai’an Cherry Blossom Site, Shuiliudong Tunghua Trail, and Lihpao Land. Runners will be able to enjoy local landscape and at the same time, promote for the expo.

According to the Sports Bureau of Taichung City Government, three exhibition areas of the expo are respectively “Huludun Park in Fengyuan,” “Yongfeng Park in Waipu” and “Houli Horse Farm and Forest Park” with unique characteristics. Houli Horse Farm and Forest Park fully conserve natural ecology and integrate the scene of 100-year historical trees and house, while Yongfeng Park in Waipu is “produce” oriented to build the home of fruit and flowers. Huludun Park in Fengyuan is developed based on the theme of life enjoyment and waterfront capital city that integrates pastry culture.

The expo marathon event plans for the registration number of participants in a marathon (42km), 3,000; a half marathon (22km), 3,000; challenging group (12km), 2,000; LOHAS group (6km), 1,500; and angel group(3km), 500, in total of 10,000. Among them, “the angel group” run is a free event for the disable to encourage them to join and enjoy the scenery.

At present, 312 participants are enrolled for the “angle group” run and 8,000 people register for other four groups. Registration is available from now to November 30 (registration website: https://lohasnet.tw/Floraexpo20180225/). For more information, please contact the Association for the Promotion of Prosperity of Huludun at (04-25286069).
  • Data update: 2019-07-01
  • Publish Date: 2017-11-03
  • Source: Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 256
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