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Conscript of Substitute Service Demonstrates His Strength in Rescuing Victim of Heat Stroke Falling from a Bicycle

出遊巧遇民眾中暑摔車 熱血替代役發揮長才救人
出遊巧遇民眾中暑摔車 熱血替代役發揮長才救人

Yao Hao-Wei, a conscript at the Zhongshan Branch of the Third Rescue Brigade under the Taichung City Fire Department, has been dreaming of becoming a fireman since he was a little boy so that he could help and save people in bravery. During his term of service, he was assigned shift duties and he also eagerly participates in rescue and relief in disasters. On December 7, 2016, he responded to a call for help in a Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO) case. He and his team performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) + automated external defibrillator (AED) to a victim suffering from Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) cause by food choking, and provided respiration aid before sending the victim to hospital. The sound judgment of the situation and the proper response to the situation helped to save the life of the victim. He was cited personally by the head of Taichung City Fire Department in the 2nd Department Level Meeting of 2017 on the 10th of the month.
Yao got used to carry a simple first aid device with him. On April 9, when he took a trip to Caoling Ancient Trail at Gongliao, New Taipei, he encountered a cyclist who fell down onto the ground. He rushed to the scene for showing his concern without thinking twice. At the preliminary judgment, he discovered that the cyclist may have suffered from heat stroke that caused him to fall. The fall caused the breaking of the incisors and injury in many places of his body. Fortunately, the cyclist did not fall unconscious with a stable sign of life, and had no injury to the spine. Finally, the ambulance from Gongliao Branch came in a short time and escorted the victim to Chang Kung Memorial Hospital for medical attention. The medical staff of the ambulance mentioned that they are grateful for what Yao had done and provided first aid to the victim at the very moment. He helped to clean up the wound, stop the bleeding and dress the wound, which effectively help to make the rescue efficient.

  • Data update: 2024-08-19
  • Publish Date: 2017-04-24
  • Source: Fire Bureau
  • Hit Count: 794