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Fire Bureau of Taichung City Government demonstrates ultimate probity – Firefighter declining gift nominated for Municipal Model of Integrity Award

台中市消防局廉潔展現 消防隊員拒收餽贈獲推薦參加市府廉潔楷模遴選
台中市消防局廉潔展現 消防隊員拒收餽贈獲推薦參加市府廉潔楷模遴選

Hsien-ti Lo, a member of the Fifth Brigade (Houli) of Fire Bureau of Taichung City Government, performed an emergency medical service on November 3, 2016 by transporting Mr. Chang to Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, and he demonstrated absolute professionalism throughout the process. In expressing their gratitude to the EMT, Mr. Chang’s family sent a registered express mail to him on December 7, 2016, including NT$ 3,000 in cash. EMT Mr. Lo personally visited the Chang family the next day and returned the cash gift.
In addition, when Fu-chieh Chang, a member of Eighth Brigade (Shuinan) of Fire Bureau of Taichung City Government, was transcribing the details of fire victims on June 20, 2016, homeowner Mr. Chang presented him with NT$ 2,000 as a token of appreciation for the Shuinan Brigade. Although Firefighter Chang informed him that he could not receive the gift, Mr. Chang insisted and would not take no for answer, thus he received the gift and recorded the process on video. He returned the gift to Mr. Chang later that evening.
Fire Bureau of Taichung City Government nominated two firefighters for the 2017 Municipal Model of Integrity Award today (19th), including Hsien-ti Lo from Fifth Brigade (Houli) and Fu-chieh Chang from Eighth Brigade (Shuinan). According to the Fire Bureau both firefighters are devoted to rescuing and assisting others, and both have been highly commended by the public. The fact that they can maintain their integrity and decline gifts make them exemplars of incorruptible, capable public servants. It hoped that they will stand out from the rest of the nominees and receive commendation from the City Government.
Firefighters executing emergency rescues are merely doing their jobs, therefore receiving people’s appreciation is their biggest reward. If citizens want to express their gratitude and acknowledgment toward the firefighters, please do so via the Mayor’s email, Director’s email, post or telephone, so that frontline emergency responders will receive encouragement for their hard work.

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  • Data update: 2024-04-13
  • Publish Date: 2017-05-08
  • Source: Fire Bureau
  • Hit Count: 849