On December 25th,2010, the Taichung City and County Police Bureaus merged into one as the Taichung City Police Bureau after the metropolitan restructuring. The history of the original Taichung City Police Bureau and Taichung County Police Bureau is described below: A. The former Taichung City Police Bureau:
1. According to the Taichung City Chronicle, on September 1st of Daisho 9th Year (1920), Taiwan's local government system was initially established and Taichung City in compliance with the Prefecture Order 51 set up its four governing branches: judicial, administrative, public health, and household affairs under the Taichung Police Agency in Inspection Area 1( consisting of Hatsunecho, Takaracho, Shintomicho police stations) and Inspection Area 2 (including Tachibanacho, Sakuracho and Shuzijiou police stations).
2. The Taichung City Police Bureau was set up according to the "Temporary Organic Regulations of the Taiwan Provincial Police Bureau" promulgated by the Taiwan Provincial Executive Office on December 15th, 1945 governing the Administration Division, Public Order Division, Legal Division, Secretary Office, Inspectors' Office, Accounting Office, Fire Brigade, Public Order Brigade and 16 police stations including Police Department 1, Police Department 2, Police Department 4, Jiguang, Pingding, Chengkong, Mofan, Lide, Zhengyi, East District, Qinkong, Wenzheng, Youcai, Beitun, Siping, Dakeng, Xitun and Nantun. On February 28, 1947, Police Department 3 was set up while the Personnel Office was added in 1953. On December 11, 1980, the Police Department 5 became independent from Police Department 2 and on October 31, 2001, the Police Department 6 was set up independent from Police Department 4.
3. The Bureau was set up in December 1945 at the address of #178, Section 1 of Sanmin Rd., Taichung City and was relocated to #588, Section 2, Wenxin Rd., Xitun District, Taichung City in June, 1992.
4. Directors-General of the Bureau serving for the past 29 terms included Chen Chan, Hsu Wei-Hsin, Lu Chi-Liang, Hung Zi-Ming, Chen Yin-Ting, Cheng Yen-Den, Wang Kai-Shi, Su Rui-Sung, Hsieh Guei-Cheng, Hsiao Shou-Wen, Chung Kuo-Chen, Li Chun-Hou, Chao Hsun-Chi, Fang Shi-Ting, Hsia Liang, Wang Yao-Lin, Lin Yung-Hung, Chang Shi-Ran, Lee Ching-Pei, Liao Chao-Hsiang, Lee Shu-Yu, Chang You-Wen, Wang His-Tian, Meng Yi-Hsun, Wang Chuo-Chun, Chang Ching-Yu, Yeh Kun-Fu, Hu Mu-Yuan and Chiou Feng-Guang.
B. The Former Taichung County Police Bureau:
1. The Taichung County Police Bureau was originally the Taichung Taichushu Police Bureau and was restructured into the county level agency after Taichushu became Taichung County when Taiwan was retroceded. On November 25, 1945, the Bureau was set up at the address in Yuanlin Township, Changhua County.
2. On September 1, 1950, the Taiwan Provincial Government promulgated "the Adjustment Initiative of Administrative Regions of Cities and Counties in Taiwan Province" and the Taichung County Government was officially formed on October 21, 1950 in Fengyuan. In the same year, the Taiwan Province Police Affairs Agency announced the "Adjustment Initiative of Police Power in Each County and City" to divide the Bureau into the Taichung City Police Bureau, the Changhua County Police Bureau, the Taichung County Police Bureau and Nantou County Police Bureau. The Taichung County Police Bureau was planned with the internal organization of five Divisions including administration, public order, justice, economy and general affairs and two offices of Inspection and Accounting and Statistics. Policemen on duty were assigned to four police stations including Fengyuan, Qingshui, Datun and Dongshi, six precincts, and 66 police stations.
3. Because of the need to maintain public order in Taichung County, the Dajia Police Department was set up in 1956 followed by Heping and Wufeng Police Department in 1958, Wuzi in 1965 and Taiping in 2007 with the restructured organization of 7 Divisions, 7 offices, 2 centers and 8 departments, 14 precincts, 72 police stations and three mountain area inspection centers with a staff number of 3,232. In terms of duty adjustment of police administration, in April, 1964, the Health Brigade was handed over to the Health Bureau, In compliance with the "Division Initiative of Household and Police Administration" in 1992, household administration affairs were taken over by the Civil Affairs Bureau of the Taichung County Government. In response to the establishment of the Taichung County Fire Bureau in 1998, the Fire Brigade under the Police Bureau was removed while in 2000 public order affairs were allocated to the Coast Guard Agency and the Land Affairs Section was removed after the establishment of the National Immigration Agency in 2007.
4. At the initial operating stage, Huang Ming-Hsiang and Lu Chi-Lian served as the Acting Directors-General of the Bureau and Chiang Feng, the first-term Director General, inaugurated on July 22nd, 1946. Twenty eight Directors-General followed included Lu Chi-Liang, Chen Nai, He Yi, Li Lien-Fu, Fang Cheng-Hui, Wang Kuo-Dung, Fan Chih-Hsiang, Pan Yu-Hsun, Lin Hsiou-Yu, Wang Rui-Sung, Tang Chien-Chian, Chi His-Pin, Li Wei-Chao, Wang Chi-Kung, Chou Te-Biao, Lin Chou-Biao, Liao Chou-Hsiang, Ma Hsin-Chang, Wang An-Bang, Wang Yi-Fe, Chang Lien-Sheng, Bie Dung-Fu, Lin Mou-Sheng, Chen Rui-Tian, He Hei-Min, Diou Chien-Sheng, and Chen Guo-En.
C. After the merger, Diou Chien-Sheng served as the first-term Director General, followed by Chiou Feng-Guang, Tsai Yi-Meng, Chen Chia-Chang , Yang Yuan-Ming and incumbent Director General Tsai, Tsan-po.
- On February 24, 2020, the Department moved to the newly built building at #500, Section 1, Fengxing Rd., Tanzi District, Taichung City and the original office at #588, Section 2, Wenxin Rd., Xitun District was occupied by the Urban Development Bureau and Environmental Protection Bureau of the Taichung City Government.
- Organization structure: The organizational structure of the Department is shown below:
1. 8 Divisions: Administrative, Public Order, Training, Foreign Affairs, Logistics, Public Security, Prevention and Control and Crime Prevention; - 9 Offices: Internal Affairs, Public Relations, Secretary, Information Management, Legal Affairs, Personnel, Accounting, Statistics and Civil Service Ethics.
- 3 Centers: Command and Control, Forensic Science, Civil Defense Operations,
- 3 Corps: Criminal Investigation, Special Police, and Traffic,
- 3 Brigades: Women and Children Protection Brigade, Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Rapid Transit.
- The original 2 Brigades includes Women and Children Protection Brigade and Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Brigade.
- On January 1st, 2021, in order to maintain safety and order of Rapid Transit stations and neighboring area, Rapid Transit Brigade was set up.
- 15 precincts and 118 police stations:
- The original 14 Police Departments included 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Fengyuan, Wufeng, Wuzi, Qingshui, Dajia, Taiping, Dongshi and Heping.
2. On March 11th, in response to the security protection needs in the Daya and Tanzi Districts, the Daya Police Precinct was set up to maintain public and traffic order.
F. Main tasks: To comply with laws to maintain public order, to protect social security, to prevent all hazards and to promote people's welfare.