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Contact Information

TEL: +886-4-2328-9100~9FAX: +886-4-2536-8667Post:No. 500, Sec. 1, Fengxing Rd., Tanzi Dist., Taichung City 427, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Traffic Information:
By Train:
Route 1: Get off at Tanzi Train Station for other transportation means (rental car, for example): (Exit at the cross-section of Zhongshan and Section 2 of Tanxing Rd.) Go east to Section 2 of Tanxing Rd. and Alley 346, Section 2 of Tanxing Rd. and turn right→Section 2 of Tanxing Rd. /Futan Rd. /Zhong 86-1 County Rd. and turn right→Futan Rd. /Zhong 86-1 County Rd. and turn left→Go to Section 1 of Fengxing Rd. and turn right to arrive at the police station on your left hand side.
Route 2:Get off at Tanzi Train Station for other transportation means (rental car, for example): (Exit at #352-1, Section 2 of Zhongshan Rd.) Go north to Section 2 of Zhongshan Rd. /Zhongtan Highway /Taiwan Provincial Highway #3 and head for Alley 391 of Section 2 of Zhongshan Rd.→Take one of two right lanes and turn right to Section 3 of Tanzi St.→ Go to Section 2 of Tanxing Rd. and turn left→Go to Alley 346 of Section 2 of Tanxing Rd. and turn right→Section 2 of Tanxing Rd. /Futan Rd. /Go to County Rd. 86-1 and turn right→Futan Rd. /Zhong 86-1 County Rd. and turn left→Go to Section 1 of Fengxing Rd. and turn right to arrive at the police station on your left hand side.
Route 3: Get off at Tanzi Train Station and take Bus Line 123 to the station of “Joint Building of Tanzi District Office.” Go south to arrive at the destination about 50 meters on foot.
By Bus:
Take Bus Line 123 to the station of “Joint Building of Tanzi District Office.” Go south to arrive at the destination about 50 meters on foot.
By Car:
Take #74 Expressway and exit in Tanzi (from Congder to Tanzi): Drive along Huanzhong Rd. to Section 1 of Huanzhong East Rd. Continue driving to Fuguai Rd. and turn left. Go to Section 2 of Tanxing Rd. and turn right. Drive to Fengxi Rd. and turn right. Go straight about 150 meters and arrive at the police station on your left hand side.
Take #74 Expressway and exit in Tanzi (From Songzhu to Tanzi): Exit #74 Expressway and turn right to Section 1 of Fuxing Rd. Drive to Daxin Rd. and turn right to Futan Rd. Turn left to Section 2 of Tanxing Rd and then turn right to Fengxing Rd. Go straight for about 150 meters and arrive at the police station on your left hand side.
Service Time:110 Command and Control Center 00:00~24:00; Office Hour 08:00~17:00
Address:No. 500, Sec. 1, Fengxing Rd., Tanzi Dist., Taichung City 427, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Service Call:04-23289100~9
  • Data update: 2024-11-12
  • Publish Date: 2018-11-06
  • Source: Police Department
  • Hit Count: 3910