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Pedestrians have absolute right of way! Drivers please yield but pedestrians be careful!

呼籲駕駛人!行人享有絕對優先「路」權 開車請禮讓行人 行人要當心!
呼籲駕駛人!行人享有絕對優先「路」權 開車請禮讓行人 行人要當心!
Pedestrians who have had some drink must be careful when crossing the street! To effectively reduce traffic accidents on pedestrians, Taichung City Government Police Department urges car drivers to stop their cars in front of the crosswalk when seeing any pedestrian passing through, regardless of whether there are traffic control personnel or signs in compliance with Article 103-2 of Road Traffic Safety Rules!
Every driver of a vehicle is urged to slow down when approaching the crosswalk line, regardless of whether there are pedestrians or not. When seeing any pedestrian, a driver is urged to stop and pause to allow pedestrians to first pass through the crosswalk, regardless of whether there are traffic control personnel or signs. On the other hand, pedestrians should walk on the designated sidewalks or the road side if there is no designated sidewalk. Pedestrians are also advised not to run, chase, play, sit, lie, squat or stand on the road. Any behavior that may obstruct the traffic or endanger anybody and vehicles is prohibited. Violators against the Article 78 of Act Governing Punishments for Violations of Road Traffic Regulations must be fined NT$ 300. A car driver will be fined NT$ 1200 - NT$ 3600 if he/she does not give way to pedestrians in accordance with the Article 44-2 of Act Governing Punishments for Violations of Road Traffic Regulations.
  • Data update: 2019-05-15
  • Publish Date: 2012-11-19
  • Source: Police Department
  • Hit Count: 710