The legendary musical genre of jazz distinguishes itself by eliminating demands for strict standards, elegantly crossing musical boundaries to create a livelier, more inclusive approach that has broad appeal.
Thanks to aggressive promotion by the Taichung City Government and collaboration with the residents of Taichung and other supporters around the world, the Taichung Jazz Festival has evolved into a significant, large-scale annual cultural event. It not only brings an abundance of artistic and cultural energy to Taichung but also draws enormous numbers of visitors each year in October.
Participants connected by jazz are always surprised and impressed by this event as they wander through the festival grounds during breezy evenings to the sounds of music.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Taichung Jazz Festival and, in a spirit of retrospection, we have invited musical fans to look back on the great memories of the past decade and share their impressions.
Using themed exhibitions and thoughtfully planned performances, this event showcases the characteristics and styles of jazz music in a variety of detailed ways.
Over the past 10 years of music cultural exchanges and the passage of time, we have created our own unique brand of musical celebration. Witnessed by hundreds of thousands of music fans this October, Taichung reaches a new milestone for Asian jazz to become one of the continent's shining, undisputed jazz capitals!
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2012 Taichung Jazz Festival
- Data update: 2019-05-15
- Publish Date: 2012-09-28
- Source: Police Department
- Hit Count: 580