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Dynamic Lane Allocation at Hongyang Bridge The First of its kind in Taichung Support from Road Users is asked! Joint Mobilization of the Civilian and the Police with effect on April 10

Taichung City Government pursued the “Dynamic Lane Allocation” policy at Chaoma Road (Hongyang Bridge) in Xitun District, Taichung, to mitigate traffic congestion during peak hours in the morning and the late afternoon to allow for through traffic flows during these hours in the shortest possible time. This move of the government is an address to the problem of a road section with heavy volume of traffic flow and complicated issues.
Taichung City Government and Taichung Police Station have jointly studied the feasibility of dynamic lane allocation at the location of Chaoma Road (Hongyang Bridge) at Xitun District, Taichung City, for several months, and have dispatched related personnel to conduct a survey by observation of the traffic flows during peak hours. The findings from the survey indicated that the average traffic volume during the peak hours in the late afternoon heading for the urban area is 72% and for the direction of Taichung Industrial Park is 28% (mostly heading for the urban area in the after work hours) on the weekdays. They concluded that the “dynamic lane allocation” policy is feasible.
Dynamic lane allocation is in effect in the section of Chaoma Road (Hongyang Bridge). The area of control starts from the Chaoma Road at Huanzhong Road and ends at Chaoma Road (Hongyang Bridge), a section of about 150m. The inside lane (westbound traffic) of Chaoyang Road (Hongyang Bridge) directing traffic out of the urban area will be allocated with traffic cones as the substantive division point. This lane will be allocated for eastbound traffic to the urban area. Westbound traffic from the urban area will be reduced to the outside lane. This policy will be in effect from April 10 2017, Monday through Friday, from 17:00 to 19:00. By then, the traffic space for traffic heading to the urban area on Chaoyang Road (Hongyang Bridge) will be adequate. Queuing caused by congestion is expected to be mitigated and traffic flow will be more efficient. Traffic police from the 6th Prescient will be dispatched to the scene for directing traffic with the help of civilian volunteers. Drivers are advised to follow the direction of the traffic police and the volunteers on the scene.
Taichung Police Station will send auxiliary police to release leaflets to announce the policy of dynamic lane allocation at each road junction along Chaoma Road from Huanzhong East Road to Anhe Road and two other road junctions extending from this section before the pursuit of this policy. In addition, the precincts under the jurisdiction of the station will also circulate this information to the public in any means available.
Chief of Taichung Police Station Chen Chia-Chang advised all people of Taichung to support the policy of dynamic lane allocation at Chaoma Road (Hongyang Bridge). No left turn signs will be posted on the northbound outside lane of Huanzhong Road. If drivers need to make a left turn at this road junction to head for Hongyang Bridge, they are advised to drive to the next road junction (in front of the DORTS) and make a U-turn to get to the bridge. They are also advised to follow the direction of the police and the auxiliary police and slow down when passing Hongyang Bridge, pay attention to the traffic signals and the broadcasting of the Police Radio Broadcasting channel. Attention to road safety in driving is asked. This policy is expected to solve the problem of traffic congestion during peak hours and improve traffic flow.
Drive safely and all the best!

  • Data update: 2019-05-16
  • Publish Date: 2017-04-26
  • Source: Police Department
  • Hit Count: 1033