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2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival Volunteer Recruitment – Enthusiastic Response Received for Neighborhood Watch Members

2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung will kick off on February 8 next year! Inspired by the theme of The Dazzling City, this year's lantern festival is divided into the primary and secondary exhibition areas. The 35-hectare primary exhibition area includes the Houli Horse Ranch & Forest Expo Site that will be open for 16 days (February 8-23, 2020). The primary exhibition area features the Mysterious Rainforest and Fantasy World of Art, showcasing ecological sustainability, aesthetics, smart technology, tradition, and innovation;
The 8.8-hectare secondary exhibition area is located in Wenxin forest park, which will be open for 65 days (from December 21, 2019, to February 23, 2020). The amusement park-themed exhibition ground will showcase urban images such as family amusement, LOHAS, and livability.
In order to recruit volunteers for the lantern festival and to promote the event, the Taichung City Police Department Second Precinct held the 2019 Neighborhood Watch Demonstration, Observation, and Drill during 14:00-16:00 on September 21, 2019, at the auditorium of Shin Min High School. Promotional booths were set up at the event, where Police Department Commissioner Yuen-ming Yang and Second Precinct Chief Chih-liang Kao delivered messages pertaining to the lantern festival and volunteer recruitment to the public. In addition, the fantastic news of Taiwan Lantern in Taichung was also streamed live on Facebook, so that everyone could become aware of the grand annual event to take place in Taichung next year. Members of the neighborhood watch responded with enthusiasm and wanted to find out further details about the lantern festival.
This year's lantern festival volunteer recruitment will be conducted over the 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival Volunteer Integrated Service Platform (https://volunteer.taichung.gov.tw/index.as). An estimated 5,000 volunteers will be recruited, and the application is open to anyone with a volunteer service manual and who are over 16 years of age. For more details, please refer to the Taichung City Volunteer Promotion Center at (04)24375973#9.
  • Data update: 2019-11-06
  • Publish Date: 2019-10-23
  • Source: Police Department
  • Hit Count: 735