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Speed affects the reaction distance and impact and within the same reaction time, a faster speed requires a longer reaction time and the probability for the incident is relatively higher. Additionally, higher speed creates more drive as well as larger impact when colliding. According to the report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), when a driving speed of 40km/h reduces to 30km/h, the fatality rate can be dramatically dropped from 35% to 10%. Special attention need to be paid to "invisible" sites; for example, a crash may occur between a passenger car that plans to turn left and a motorcycle that goes straight in the opposite direction due to visual barrier when stopping at the cross-section in heavy traffic. Drivers shall keep alert to these invisible sites where other vehicles may pass their way. Reducing the driving speed is a way to help ensure the safety of drivers. Within the past 30 days, in Taiwan, motorcycle riders were involved in about 60% of the road traffic fatalities. Motorcycles for the youth is a relatively cheap and convenient transportation means, but motorcycles provide less protection than cars. Hence, the Police Bureau has been utilizing all channels and opportunities to promote motorcycle safety for students. The Bureau has teamed up with the Motor Vehicles Office and the Transportation Bureau to bring large vehicles to schools and to allow students to understand more about visual barriers and difference of radius between the inner wheels. Motorcycle safety education is further provided to protect riders. Additionally, last month, the Bureau just finished the event of national synchronized "Law Enforcement for Safety at Cross-sections" with the improvement of fewer accidents at cross-sections and of pedestrians. Although the event is now completed, but the Bureau still focuses on enforcement for three priority traffic violations including running through red lights and invading rights-of-way of pedestrians. The Bureau will continuously cite traffic violations and call for vehicle drivers to reduce driving speed at cross-sections and stop temporarily for pedestrians to ensure their safety. In the end, parents are reminded to care for the traffic safety of their children who are currently enrolled in school. If they ride motorcycles to school, they shall first obtain their driver's license and do observe traffic rules. Do not drive over the speed limit and in a high speed to ensure safety and avoid road crashes.
Motorcycle Safety for the Youth
- Data update: 2023-11-07
- Publish Date: 2020-10-26
- Source: Police Department
- Hit Count: 643