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To comply with the amendment of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, the police regulation that the temporary stopping time for vehicles that drive children under the age of seven years will no longer be limited to three minutes was officially put into effect on December 1st. This amendment was made according to rules regulating people with disability to get in and out of vehicles. This amendment took into consideration of the need for vehicles that drive children under seven years old to have longer temporary stopping time due to the use of a child's safety seat. To prevent accidents caused by rushed pickups, vehicles that drive children under seven years old shall no longer be limited to the 3-minute temporary stopping on yellow lines but the new regulation is only for pickups and waiting time is excluded. However, temporary stopping on prohibited zones (red lines) are not allowed. To avoid disputes with law enforcement personnel, the National Police Agency announced the recognition rules for law enforcement below: 1. Stopping time shall only include pickups, not waiting; 2. Temporary stopping on prohibited zones (red lines) are not allowed(only temporary stopping on yellow lines is free from 3 minutes limit); 3. Grievance is given case by case by offering advice instead of reporting for temporary stopping at prohibited zones (red lines) for pickup of people getting on and off when there is no interruption made to other road users and cars. According to the Commissioner of the Taichung City Police Department, Yang Yuan-Ming, this amendment was made for the convenience of parents who need to pick up their children and not for punishment purposes and opportunities to appeal are given to individual violators on a case by case basis. If a driver that picks up children under seven years old has to get on and off vehicles is reported with violation for temporary stopping, relevant evidence should then be submitted to the authority in order to protect the driver's rights.
Taichung City Police Department Announces No Three-Minute Temporary Stopping Time Limitation for Vehicles Driving Children under 7 from 12/1
- Data update: 2020-12-15
- Publish Date: 2020-12-02
- Source: Police Department
- Hit Count: 749