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"Love and Big Hugs" on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 3rd is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and to encourage the public to discuss issues on the rights of the disabled, governments around the world organize celebratory events to promote the rights and protection measures for the disabled. A few days ago, the Taichung City Government Social Affairs Bureau was producing a film to encourage the joint work with the disabled to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by selecting the site in front of the Taichung Park Police Station, 2nd Precinct, Taichung City Police Department. Taichung Park has the longest history in Taichung since its establishment and now has become an international tourist site. Different from the serious ambiance of other police stations, the Taichung Park Police Station was decorated with installation art, green sheep, colored ladybugs, snowmen, rosy bears and police bears. It is also a popular place posted and liked on social media and it attracts many visitors to come for regular and wedding photos. In pursuit of its services, the Taichung Park Police Station has made efforts to best serve the public. For example, students from the Special Education Program of one junior high school went for a field trip on a rainy day in Taichung Park, the Chief of Taichung Park Police Station, Wu Cheng-He, invited students and teachers to shelter from the rain in the Police Station by providing them refreshments and water. The students and teachers were introduced to police jobs and equipment. The Police Station felt honored to be part of the promotion film, "Love and Big Hugs" and it gave all needy assistance as a protection agency for the public with the aim to contribute to issues related to the disabled.
  • Data update: 2021-12-21
  • Publish Date: 2021-12-07
  • Source: Police Department
  • Hit Count: 575