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Central Region Wan An 45th Air Raid Drill The public shall cooperate with pedestrians and vehicles control and implementation of evacuation.

The foreign language (English) version of the Wan An Drill
The foreign language (English) version of the Wan An Drill

    This year's (2022) Wan An 45th Air Raid Drill, in conjunction with the "38th Han Kuang Exercise", is to strengthen the national air defense preparedness, reduce air-raid damage and ensure the safety of people's lives and property. From July 25 to 28, 2022, the government adopts the method of "simultaneous and zoned approach with early warning" on the main island and the seven offshore (outlying) islands areas to verify the actions of civil-military joint air defense.

    The drill in the Central Region will carry out a 30-minute alarm transmission alongside distribution, emergent evacuation, traffic control, and disaster rescue exercise from 13:30 to 14:00 on July 26, 2022 (Tuesday). The local authorities (institutions), schools, national military forces, and the public will participate in the exercise. The government urges the public to cooperate with the control measures and pay attention to relevant information during the drill.

    To effectively increase the alert coverage rate in remote areas and release accurate and timely information such as drill time, organizations, zones, and control measures, the Ministry of National Defense will use the air threat warning system to issue mobile phone warning messages to all mobile phones in the drill area to aid in notifying air defense alarms. In terms of strengthening the publicity of the drill, in addition to putting up posters in public places and handing out leaflets to the public, the Taichung City Police Department also produced the information leaflets in five languages this year, including English, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Thai to urge foreigners in Taiwan to follow national laws and regulations and cooperate with the control measures (available for download in the decree publicity area of the Taichung City Police Department’s global information website).

    Under the principle of not affecting people's daily life where possible, all publicly and privately owned factories in the drill area will operate as usual during the drill. However, they must close all doors and windows and implement personnel control (Taiwan Power Company does not conduct power outage measures). Guided by the military, the military police, the police, and civil defense personnel, all pedestrians and vehicles must carry out direct air defense evacuation when the exercise emergency alarm is issued. Relevant control measures are as follows:
1.Moving vehicles should immediately pull over to the side, and pedestrians should seek shelters nearby. All individuals must carry out direct air defense evacuation as guided by the police and civil defense personnel.
2.Airplanes, ships, and railway, high-speed (express) railway, highway, and MRT vehicles at airports and ports may take off, land, and depart as usual. However, passengers who disembark from planes (ships or vehicles), their relatives and friends for pick-ups and drop-offs, and vehicles off the interchanges must still carry out air defense evacuation.

    Following Article 25 of the Civil Defense Act, violating "evacuation and control of traffic, lights, sound, and other necessary controls" may attract a fine of NTD 30,000 to 150,000 during the drill.

    The drill instruction of the Executive Yuan stipulates that "Fengle Village" in the Nantun District of the city shall be the trial verification unit for the drill in the Central Region in order to comply with the wartime scenario, and verify the air defense evacuation approach of "stopping any vehicles and evacuating nearby." Vehicles moving during the drill area should pull over and the driver and all passengers should get off at a safe place when they hear the air defense alarm. They should follow the guidance of the chief of village, the army, the military police, the police, and civil defense personnel on duty and implement air defense evacuation nearby. Chi-Chou Tsai, the Chief of Fengle Village, and the Fourth Precinct of the Taichung City Police Department have done well to promote awareness among the residents in advance. They will cooperate with public and private air defense evacuation facilities within the jurisdiction and open them immediately to the public for refuge after the air raid warning is issued. The Police Department will strengthen the implementation of evacuation in this area and guide people to enter air defense evacuation facilities for refuge. We would like stress that in this drill, groups or individuals who fail to cooperate with the control measures or the rules of "opening air raid facilities to the public" and " stopping any vehicles and evacuating nearby" in accordance with Article 21 of the Civil Defense Act and Article 12 of the Implementing Regulation on Air-raid Practice, the government will first attempt to persuade. However if they still fail to cooperate after persuasion, the municipal and county (city) governments may apply Article 25 of the Civil Defense Act to issue a fine notice.

    With the saying "More preparation in peacetime and less disaster in wartime", we call on all citizens to take epidemic prevention measures. At the same time, please also arrange your schedule for the drill day in advance, cooperate with the evacuation and control orders related to the drill, and familiarize yourself with the location of air defense shelters near home. Please check the “National Defense Handbook” on the official website of the All-Out Defense Mobilization Agency of the Ministry of National Defense for relevant air defense guidelines and regulations to enhance your level of alertness and awareness of air defense. The Taichung City Police Department will cooperate with the city government teams to evaluate the effectiveness of this drill to strengthen coordination and cooperation with friendly units and civil defense teams. We hope to reinforce our self-defense and self-protection capabilities to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and their well-being.

  • Data update: 2023-11-07
  • Publish Date: 2022-07-13
  • Source: Police Department
  • Hit Count: 578