The Taichung City Industrial Park is situated between TaiZhongGang (Taichung Port) Road and Sun Yat-sen Freeway (Freeway #1). It was developed in three stages since 1973, and since then this park has been a strong success. Traditionally in mid-technology sectors, it has been moving into higher technology areas like optoelectronics, electronics, and precision machinery. Along with the Central Taiwan Science Park, Wenshan Industrial Park, and Taichung Precision Machinery Technological Park it forms the "Dadushan Technology Corridor". Of the 580 hectares of land reserved for development, 372 hectares are reserved for industrial use, 140 hectares for public infrastructure, and 68 hectares for residential use. It currently hosts 921 plants employing approximately 40,000 people and with an annual production value estimated at NT$329.9 billion (as of October 1, 2009). The infratructure is geared towards manufacturing. Roads are either 25 or 16 meters wide, there is 58 kilometers of drainage and a water supply capacity of 54,000 tons per day drawn from five water reserviors. The park has it's own clinic, police station, fire department and the headquarters of various manufacturing associations and research organizations. As of October 1, 2009, all lots were fully occupied with only a few offices available in the Technology Building.