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Taichung Port Economic Processing Zone

Conceived to help fulfil the central government's Asian-Pacific Operations Center Plan, this zone is for transshipment and export processing for the region, the world and especially China now that cross-strait shipping is allowed. It is intended as bridge between foreign and domestic production lines, to house the manufacturing and consumer product industries, consolidate shipping operations and the integrate loading and unloading, warehousing, product processing, assembly, inspection, labelling, packaging and distribution.

It is conveniently located near both Freeway 2 and Freeway 1 (Sun Yat-sen Freeway), the Taichung International Airport (Chingchuangang) and the High Speed Rail. It is also located near the Central Taiwan Science Park, other export processing zones and a multitude of industrial and high-tech parks.

It is said that Taichung Port offers the shortest voyage time to and from any port in East Asia, and it is the closest port to China in Taiwan.

According to Invest Taiwan (see link below), the tax advantages are superb: "No business taxes are levied on product or labor service exports. Transshipment firms are required to pay only a corporate income tax of 10% of their operating income. Factories in the industrial zones mainly import machinery, equipment, raw materials, processed materials, or semi-finished products into the country for international trade, warehousing, or transshipment purposes. These items are exempted from import duties, commodity taxes, and business taxes.

Invest Taiwan

  • Data update: 2019-02-12
  • Publish Date: 2011-11-17
  • Source: Urban Development Bureau
  • Hit Count: 2833
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