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private participation in public projects

The promotion of private participation in public construction projects

To cooperate with the Executive Yuan, Taichung city government has actively encouraged private participation in public construction projects. In 2005, the city has regulated 4 cases such as "Underground parking lot for NanTung Elementary seeks private participation," "Taichung Metropolitan Opera House commissions private practice for operation and management services," " Taichung City "City 113" public market land for private development and operation,” and has received preliminary operating subsidy of the" Taichung Shueinan airport site redevelopment project" from the Construction Committee. The vitality and private funds in the above cases has enhanced government efficiency, effectively reduce the financial burden, and accelerated the construction of public projects.

Improved the handling process of Mayor’s email box and set regulations for handling public petitions.

In order to fully understand the public's problems and needs so that people can feel that the mayor truly cares and quickly respond to the public demands, the government has improved the "Mayor’s Email Box" system handling process, constructing a reply mechanism available for different units to shorten the processing time, increase response rate and strengthen system control, overdue, statistical functions, so each unit can included frequent complaints on related issues into a "frequently Asked Questions: Q & A,” on website for public viewing, and require the contractor to indicate his or her name, contact number on the reply, so when in doubt, the public can contact the contractor for suggestions and communication.

Also, "regulations for handling the public’s petition by the city government and affiliated agencies" has specifically stipulates deadlines for each kind of petitions (14 days for reporting violations, 5 days for petitions, 3 days for suggestions, and 3 days for other kinds) in order to protect the public rights of demanding all units to handle and respond to the petitions in a timely manner and ensure that confidentiality is kept and personal information is not leaked. All petition cases are filed in the “Municipal Petition Management System to regulate overdue and strictly implement a "fully control, project filing, and review analysis", in order to enhance the performance of the government to serve its people.

  • Data update: 2023-04-10
  • Publish Date: 2011-12-29
  • Source: Construction Bureauu
  • Hit Count: 2733
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