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Famous calligraphy artists complete a 35 meter long Chinese New Year banner in under two minutes (2006-01-14)

Translated by Cara Steenstra

News released by the Government Information Office

Release Date: 2006-01-14

With Chinese New Year approaching, the Taichung City Cultural Bureau held a calligraphy demonstration on January 14, featuring famous calligraphy artist Wu Ji-Ru who completed a 35-meter long Chinese banner in less than two minutes. It was done with a large calligraphy brush worth NT$20,000 and won the applause of everyone present. There were also 20 other calligraphy artists present to write Chinese New Year banners for people who came to the demonstration, with over 400 people receiving banners done by famous calligraphy artists.

Taichung City Deputy Mayor Hsiao was present and took part in the calligraphy demonstration as well, he wished everyone all a wonderful new year and hoped that everyone's dreams will come true in the coming year. That day, citizens could pick their favorite calligraphy artist and get a hand written Chinese New Year banner to take home. Each artist has their own unique style, and one can tell the artists' popularity from the number of people in each queue.

The Cultural Bureau also prepared 1000 free printed versions of Chinese New Year Banners written by famous calligraphy artist Jian Ming-Shan for citizens to take home, helping spread the Chinese New Year spirit early.

  • Data update: 2019-07-01
  • Publish Date: 2006-01-14
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 245
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