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Shanghai Association of Taiwan delegates visit Taichung City Hall and express a high level of interest in investing in Taichung – Mayor Lu promises “proactive assistance to foster lucrative business opportunities”

Shanghai Association of Taiwan President Cheng-hung Li and company visit the city hall
Shanghai Association of Taiwan President Cheng-hung Li and company visit the city hall
Shanghai Association of Taiwan President Cheng-hung Li and company visited Taichung City Hall today (13th), they were received by Mayor Shiow-yen Lu and numerous senior officials. Both parties exchanged opinions on trade, agriculture, cultural creatives, and the maternal and infant care industry. They also discussed the investment environment in Taiwan for returning Taiwanese businesses. According to Mayor Lu, Taichung’s flourishing industries offer abundant resources, and the city hall is also proactively welcoming returning Taiwanese businesses to invest in Taichung!

Shanghai Association of Taiwan has 1,800 members, consisting of working committees in the areas of food services, sustainable agriculture, finance, and cultural creatives. Today, the delegates held discussions with Mayor Lu, Economic Development Bureau Director General Ssu-hsiang Kao, Tourism Office Director-General Hsiao-chi Lin, Education Bureau Director-General Chen-sheng Yang, Urban Development Bureau Director-General Wen-pin Huang, Labor Affairs Bureau Director-General Wei-chih Wu, Cultural Affairs Bureau Acting Director-General Ta-chun Chang, and Information Bureau Director-General Huang-sheng Wu in regards to policy and business guidelines. The delegates expressed high levels of interest in engaging in industry exchanges and investment in Taichung in the future.

Mayor Lu commented that Taichung City Hall will offer “proactive assistance to foster lucrative business opportunities”. In light of the trade war between China and the US, many Taiwanese businesses have expressed willingness to return to Taiwan and make investments. Taichung’s flourishing industries are complemented by comprehensive urban functionalities and picturesque countryside to offer abundant resources. She thanked the Shanghai Association of Taiwan for bringing investment opportunities, and the city hall will endeavor to meet the needs of Taiwanese businesses in order to foster economic development and cooperation opportunities.

Shanghai Association of Taiwan President Cheng-hung Li suggested that after an in-depth discussion with various senior officials of the city hall, he truly felt the sincerity of Taichung City Hall. The delegates include Taiwanese businesses from the manufacturing, cultural creatives, and maternal and infant care industries, therefore it is hoped that they will be able to come back to Taiwan for investment by taking advantage of Taichung’s environment and resources. In the future, the association will continue collaborating with relevant bureaus and departments, and the experience will be shared with more Taiwanese businesses so as to facilitate more cooperation opportunities.

According to the Economic Development Bureau, the city hall has formed the Taichung City Government Economic, Trade, and Cultural Exchange Taskforce to reinforce international collaborations. This is complemented by comprehensive industry development measures and business solicitation policies such as the Investment Promotion Committee, Regulations for Implementing Corporate Headquarters Investment Incentive Program, Industry Development Fund, the addition of Taiwanese Businesses’ Corner on the Invest Taichung website, and the creation of the specialized organization in charge of youth affairs etc.

At the same time, the city hall has also set aside Taiwanese businesses’ corner to provide one-stop service and help homecoming Taiwanese businesses. In conjunction with phase 1 of the Shuinan International Convention Center construction project slated for groundbreaking on March 23, 2019, it is hoped to proactively develop Taichung’s MICE industry, nurture local enterprises, and attract more investment.
  • Data update: 2019-05-14
  • Publish Date: 2019-03-15
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1207
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