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Reminiscing about Military Dependents' Village – Taking a Trip Down Memory Lane during the National Day Long Weekend

Today (1st), the Cultural Affairs Bureau conducted the kickoff press conference for the 2019 Taichung Military Dependents' Village Cultural Festival, which was co-hosted by Cultural Affairs Bureau Deputy Director-General Neng-ting Tseng and Taichung City Seaport Art Center Pei-ling Hsu. The opening performance was staged by Taichung's Hiei Studio, expressing the aspiration of three generations in the family.
Today (1st), the Cultural Affairs Bureau conducted the kickoff press conference for the 2019 Taichung Military Dependents' Village Cultural Festival, which was co-hosted by Cultural Affairs Bureau Deputy Director-General Neng-ting Tseng and Taichung City Seaport Art Center Pei-ling Hsu. The opening performance was staged by Taichung's Hiei Studio, expressing the aspiration of three generations in the family.
Taichung Military Dependents' Village Cultural Festival will be held at the Qing-Shui Art Village from October 10 to 13. Inspired by the theme of "Story of Bamboo Fence – Prologue: Take Flight", 8 local groups, as well as teachers and students from Chung Gang Senior High School, have been invited to design the "2019 Weaving and Creating Together – Memories of Taking Flight" and "Taking Off – Landing" exhibition to showcase the exclusive culture of the military dependents' village. During the exhibition, "Liu Pi-Chia", the first documentary portraying the plight of veterans in Taiwan will be screened along with "Lost Black Cats – 35th Squadron", the brainchild of director Jonathan Yang. There are also other activities including a market, dyeing and textile DIY, military dependents' village delicacies, and concert, everyone is invited to join the fun.
According to the Cultural Affairs Bureau, 2019 Weaving and Creating Together – Memories of Taking Flight is curated by Ju-ping Chen, Pin-hui Wu, and Ya-ling Yang from POP Fiber Art Studio with the concept of joint-creation in mind. Nearly 20 residents of the local military dependents' village took 2 months to weave the artwork, which consists several individual creations: Memory of Wind features a combination of 7 woven artworks, each 12-13m long; Take Flight is a parachute artwork created by intertwining the skeleton of 16 recycled umbrellas; 7 carpets were collaged together using fabric scraps to form a map of the military dependents' village, which is complemented by the Branching Out creation inside the house to become Military Dependents' Village Cluster.
Taking Off – Landing is curated by Mr. Kuo-kai Weng, who utilized the unique air force engine manufacturing plant and parachute repair shop in Qingshui Military Dependents' Village as the backdrop to take the citizens down memory lane through historical images, everyday objects, and the participatory creation approach to reminisce about the military dependents' village.
The Cultural Affairs Bureau pointed out that the municipal Zhongshe ruins under the Qingshui Military Dependents' Village make it the only military dependents' village throughout 13 military dependents' village cultural conservation parks in Taiwan. For the Military Dependents' Village Cultural Festival, the Family Archeological Camp will be held to introduce everyone to the mystery and charisma of prehistoric culture via the easy-to-understand exploratory course. For more details, please contact 04-26274568#9 or refer to the Taichung City Seaport Art Center's official website (http://www.tcsac.gov.tw).
The Cultural Affairs Bureau explained that local organizations invited include Fiber Music Studio, Taichung County Family Welfare Promotion Association, Taichung Qingshui Loving and Caring Association, Taichung Bay Story Cultural Creative Association, Taichung City Qingshui Living Aesthetics Association, Taichung Coastal Community College, Taichung City Seaport Leyin Development Association, and GOMACH.
Today (1st), the Cultural Affairs Bureau conducted the kickoff press conference for the 2019 Taichung Military Dependents' Village Cultural Festival, which was co-hosted by Cultural Affairs Bureau Deputy Director-General Neng-ting Tseng and Taichung City Seaport Art Center Pei-ling Hsu. The opening performance was staged by Taichung's Hiei Studio, expressing the aspiration of three generations in the family.

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  • Data update: 2019-10-05
  • Publish Date: 2019-10-02
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1320
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