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Thank you! Taichung City Government releases Taichung flora expo retrospective film in appreciation of the magnificent contributions from all parties involved

Taichung City Government releases Taichung flora expo retrospective film in appreciation of the magnificent contributions from all parties involved – Photo courtesy of the fan page
Taichung City Government releases Taichung flora expo retrospective film in appreciation of the magnificent contributions from all parties involved – Photo courtesy of the fan page
As the Taichung flora expo draws to a perfect conclusion, the City Hall unveiled a retrospective film on the flora expo's Facebook fan page. According to Taichung flora Expo spokesperson I-han Huang, the purpose of this film is to let everyone look back on the journey of the flora expo, from building the infrastructure, preparing international performances, to the countless details involved in everyday operation, as well as the treasured memories of visiting the various expo sites. In addition, the film serves as a token of appreciation for the visitors and staff over the 173 days, for they have made the flora expo that much more splendid with their involvement and support.

Taichung flora Expo spokesperson I-han Huang commented that the Taichung flora expo draws upon the theme of GNP and endowed it with brand new meaning, emphasizing the wonderful values created through the harmony between Green, Nature, and People. GNP not only reestablished the relationship between people and nature through the flora expo but also transformed the flora expo into a platform for forging interpersonal connections.

She pointed out that the film not only epitomizes the intricate details of pavilion construction, opening ceremony, multiple international performances, and support from renowned figures from near and far but also focuses on the emotional connection between the visitors and staff. In other words, beautiful flowers are not the only impetus launching Taichung flora expo onto the world stage, the unsung heroes behind the scenes and the visitors' participation are the greatest contributors to the success of the event.

After the film was unveiled, netizens left words of encouragement on the fan page such as "The flora expo was truly remarkable, I will always remember it", "Thanks to the Mayors of Taichung and the City Hall for their preparation and hard work; a special shout out goes to the volunteers for their selfless contributions, you are the reason for the overwhelming success of the Taichung flora expo", "Wow! Really spectacular retrospective, I'm proud to say I have visited all 3 expo sites. Thank you so much for the efforts you have put in."

I-han Huang stressed that the flora expo not only exhibited the thriving vivacity of different flora over the 173-day exhibition but also embodies the sweat and tears of those who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes. They are the unsung heroes who have made the flora expo so spectacular, therefore it is hoped that the images of the flora expo will be forever remembered. In the future, the City Hall will continue to bolster the flora expo's spirit of ecological conservation and sustainable development, so as to imbue Taichung with more magnificent qualities.

For the Taichung flora expo retrospective film, please visit the 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/1267516983281812/posts/2423892754310890/。
  • Data update: 2019-05-14
  • Publish Date: 2019-04-26
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1155
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