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Cool Water Party – Swimming Pool and Water Fountain at Daan Coastal Tourist Information Center Open to the Public on the 22nd

Da-an Sea Theme Park
Da-an Sea Theme Park
Enjoy the coolness of frolicking in water to quench the searing summer heat! Daan Coastal Tourist Information Center's swimming pool will be open to the public from June 22 to September 1 free of charge. The opening hours of the swimming pool are 08:00~17:00 (closed on Monday for maintenance). At the same time, the children's favorite water fountain will also be open during the weekends, and parents are welcome to join them.

According to Hsiao-chi Lin, the Director-General of Tourism and Travel Bureau, the Daan Coastal Tourist Information Center features comprehensive facilities, and the free-swimming pool and water foundation (open only in summer) have become the most anticipated amusement venues among Taichung citizens every. Swimmers are reminded to wear swimming caps and bathing suits and costumes when going into the water. The small swimming pool is roughly 80cm deep, while the large swimming pool has a depth of approximately 150cm. If the small swimming pool becomes too crowded during the holidays, the water level of the large swimming pool will be adjusted accordingly.

The first floor of the tourist information center is equipped with a free drinking fountain, hair dryer, parking lot, shower, and toilet, etc. for the public's convenience. Coin-operated lockers are also provided. At the outdoor observation deck on the second floor, visitors can admire the seamless horizon and ocean, as well as the romantic sunset by the seaside. The local culture and history of Daan and the sport of kitesurfing are presented in the exhibition room, allowing people to appreciate the breathtaking beauty of the ocean at Daan.

Director-General Lin also mentioned that the embankment in front of the tourist information center sports new murals inspired by abundant natural ecological features such as Ocypode stimpsoni Ortmann and water birds, making it a highly popular check-in spot in Daan. The venue is currently in the process of obtaining environmental education facility/venue certification, and in the future, it will offer diverse environmental education courses to let everyone appreciate the dazzling ecology and culture of Daan.

Taichung City Scenic Area Administration Office would like to remind the public to observe the significant tidal range at Daan while playing on the beach, as the rising tide can quickly submerge the beach under water and cause danger. Please pay attention to the tide change and the lifeguards' instructions, and avoid dangerous waters. After playing on the beach, you may hose off the sand with the faucet by the beach or the swimming pool before taking a shower at the shower room inside the tourist information center to avoid clogging the drains in the shower room.

In addition, master sand sculptors are busy at work for the 2019 Daan Sand Sculpture and Music Festival on the beaches of Da-an Sea Theme Park. Visitors are reminded to admire the sand sculpting art from a distance, please do not enter the sand sculpting area to disturb the artists.
  • Data update: 2019-07-02
  • Publish Date: 2019-06-25
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1616
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