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Highest Number of Participating Countries in History – Rockin Taichung Song Selection Event Attracts International Attention

Highest Number of Participating Countries in History – Rockin Taichung Song Selection Event Attracts International Attention
Highest Number of Participating Countries in History – Rockin Taichung Song Selection Event Attracts International Attention
2019 Rockin Taichung will kick off in the first weekend of September, so the Taichung City Information Bureau hosted the Memories of Taichung song selection event, where winners will be able to perform on the stage of Rockin Taichung, so as to allow emerging talents to be seen and great songs to be heard. Over 100 bands from different countries including the UK, Australia, Thailand, and Hong Kong have submitted their songs, setting a new record in terms of the number of countries participated. According to Information Bureau Director General Huang-sheng Wu, the aim is to "Make Rockin Taichung more than just a regional event in Taiwan but a global phenomenon!"

2019 Rockin Taichung will be held at the Wenxin Forest Park and Fulfillment Amphitheatre on September 7 and 8. The city hall has decided to solicit great rock songs from across the world, and during the month-long period from June 1 to 25, submissions were received from over 100 bands, setting a new record in terms of the number of countries participated and attracting a high level of international attention.

According to Director General Wu, this year’s Rockin Taichung song selection event is unique on 3 fronts: Firstly, the band must create Taichung-inspired songs with the theme of Memories of Taichung; secondly, in response to the current music streaming trend, the digital album of Always Be Here will be unveiled; thirdly, the top 4 bands will be selected by the judges based on their live performance.

Director General Wu commented that the short list of finalists will be announced on the official Facebook fan page early in July, and the final competition will be staged at the outdoor plaza of Top City on July 12, everyone is welcome to join the concert. In addition to having their songs featured in the digital album, the top 4 bands will also be invited to perform on the Rockin Taichung stage, so as to allow emerging talents to be seen and great songs to be heard. “This year’s Rockin Taichung will be endowed with more meaning, as the voice of Taichung will be heard worldwide via the Internet!”

Director General Wu emphasized that the Information Bureau plays a pivotal role in Taichung City Hall’s bid to transform the city into the capital of pop music. The bureau not only organized the Rockin Taichung but also allocated budget to subsidize music events in an effort to market music and assist music groups to perform in Taichung City, thereby providing a platform to cultivate musical talents, support the music industry chain, and incentivize more musicians to pursue their career in Taichung.

The Information Bureau elaborated that 2019 Rockin Taichung has invited nearly 60 domestic and overseas bands to perform, setting a new record in terms of the number of participating bands and countries, which expanded from Japan, South Korea to include Singapore and Malaysia, etc. As the music genres become more diversified, the essence of music and commitment to music remain unchanged. For more information, please refer to the Rockin Taichung Facebook fan page (https://www.facebook.com/RockInTaichungMusicFestival/) and the event website (https://bit.ly/31qsIPq).
  • Data update: 2019-07-05
  • Publish Date: 2019-06-28
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1051
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