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Creating Magnificent Living Environment in Fengyuan – Huludun Park Officially Opens to the Public

Creating Magnificent Living Environment in Fengyuan – Huludun Park Officially Opens to the Public
Creating Magnificent Living Environment in Fengyuan – Huludun Park Officially Opens to the Public
Taichung Huludun Park is one of the 3 major expo sites of Taichung flora expo. When the flora expo drew to a conclusion on April 28, the park was closed for restoration and maintenance, and certain areas of the park have been re-opened to the public depending on the restoration progress. With the last section (north side of area 1) fully restored, the entire park was opened to the public today (30th). Inside the park, the glass art installations, Floral Corridor, Bamboo Pavilion, and Entrepreneurship Pavilion have been preserved to complement the Ruan Bi Zai River waterfront greenbelt, creating a new tourist attraction in the form of a park and improving the living environment of Fengyuan.

According to Construction Bureau Director-General Ta-tien Chen, although Taichung flora expo has ended, the infrastructure will be retained to create a more magnificent living environment. For Huludun Park, the areas preserved from the flora expo include the public art installations and diverse plantations such as the "Welcome Bouquet" Glass Art, "Floral Ribbon" Glass Art, and "Sweet Garden" Glass Art in area one, 4-theme "Lotus" Glass Art in area 2, Floral Corridor with blooming vines to continue the romantic, beautiful ambiance of the flora expo in area 3, as well as the Bamboo Pavilion, and Entrepreneurship Pavilion of area 4.

Director-General Chen emphasized that the Construction Bureau's future vision for Huludun Park is to "improve the living environment of Fengyuan", so professional maintenance contractor and security personnel will be hired, while collaborations will be forged with enterprises to revitalize the park space and create a new tourist attraction in the form of a park.

The Construction Bureau elaborated that the Huludun Park covers an area of 16 hectares, and it is divided into 5 major sections bordered by Sanhuan Road, Sanfeng Road, Wuquan Road, Fengzhou Road, and Wenchang Road. After the end of the flora expo, the expected time needed for restoration was 2 months, in light of the varying degrees of restoration required for each area, and in order to open the park to the public as soon as possible, the restoration work for each area was carried out separately, and areas that are restored will be opened to the public immediately. At the closing ceremony on April 28, some restored areas were opened; on June 1, the south side of area 1 and area 5 were opened; on June 5, area 4 was opened; on June 15, areas 2 and 3 were opened; the north side of area 1 was opened today due to its relatively more expansive area. As a result, the entire park area is now open to the public.

The Construction Bureau would like to remind the citizens that although basic functions have been restored at Huludun Park, parts of the lawn are still under maintenance, so please avoid treading on them, and do not ride motorcycles or bicycles on the park trails. Furthermore, fishing or catching fish is strictly prohibited by the Ruan Bi Zai River, those who choose to ignore the security guard's warning will be fined according to Taichung Municipal Government Ordinance for the Management of Parks, Trees, and Self-Administration. The public is urged to maintain the recreational quality of Huludun Park together.

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  • Data update: 2019-07-08
  • Publish Date: 2019-07-01
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1499
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