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Mayor Lu Visits the UK and the Netherlands in September – Sharing Ideas on Circular Economy and Low Carbon City

Mayor Lu to visit the UK and the Netherlands in September to observe and learn from the countries' experiences
Mayor Lu to visit the UK and the Netherlands in September to observe and learn from the countries' experiences
Taichung City Mayor Shiow-yen Lu will be visiting the UK and the Netherlands from September 2 to 11 to study and learn from the administration experience of these countries. She is expected to meet with Utrecht Mayor Jan van Zanen and Almere Mayor Franc Weerwind in the Netherlands, and she will also visit the circular economy park and UK's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to share experiences and collaborate in field of sustainable city, clean energy, and circular economy. The aim is to transform Taichung City into a low carbon metropolis.

Before leaving Taiwan, Mayor Lu has already requested a leave of absence from the Executive Yuan as well as the Speaker and Deputy-Speaker of Taichung City Council. According to the Taichung City Hall, UK's policy on improving air quality adopts the approach of eliminating the biggest source of pollution first, which coincides with Taichung City Hall's policy of “public before private” and “large before small”. For this visit, Mayor Lu will visit BEIS in the UK to exchange opinions on air quality improvement.

In an attempt to build a sustainable city, Mayor Lu traveled to Park 20|20, a circular economy park on the outskirts of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The entire park is constructed from recyclable and easy to dismantle materials to create a functional and sustainable park. Taichung is also striving to become a low carbon city, therefore both parties will be exploring and sharing policies on sustainable ecology.

Mayor Lu will also meet with Almere City Mayor Franc Weerwind in the Netherlands. As Taichung flora recently drew to an end, Almere will be hosting the 2022 World Expo Floriade Amsterdam Almere, hence both parties will be able to exchange experiences in hosting major expositions. Furthermore, they can also collaborate in fields such as sustainable city, clean, energy, circular economy, trade, and investment, etc.

Moreover, Mayor Lu will be meeting with Utrecht Mayor Jan van Zanen. Selected as a City of Literature by UNESCO in 2017, Utrecht is home to a multitude of theaters and cinemas that emanate abundant energy of art and culture. Both parties are expected to cooperate on fields pertaining to culture, innovation, and smart transport.

Taichung Arena will be constructed in the 14th Redevelopment Zone, and the construction budget has already been allocated. Mayor Lu will take a look at 3 sports stadiums including the Wembley Stadium in London, UK, as well as Amsterdam Innovation Arena and Ziggo Dome in the Netherlands in order to exchange and share experiences in stadium facilities, business model, types of activities, shuttle and transport, hoping to borrow their successful experiences for the Taichung Arena and sports center.

As of December this year, Taichung City will be organizing a series of major events by linking 4 major festivities. These include transforming Luchuan Canal and Liuchuan Canal into a Christmas wonderland, New Year's Eve party, Chinese New Year, and Taiwan Lantern Festival. Mayor Lu attended London's largest free outdoor arts festival known as Mayor's Thames Festival - which has been held in every September for a month since 1997 – to learn from its successful experiences and use them as a future reference for the Luchuan Canal Waterfront Festival and Liuchuan Canal Waterfront Festival in Taichung. The ultimate objective is to develop Luchuan Canal and Liuchuan Canal into Taichung's iconic cultural and tourist destinations.

In addition, Mayor Lu will be paying a visit to the Amsterdam Central Station project, Amsterdam canals, Amsterdam Science Park startup village, RDM Campus Rotterdam, Markthal, and Westfort in the Netherlands to borrow their experiences and apply them to projects in Taichung such as the reinvigoration of the old town, startup developments, public housing, and new butcher's market.
  • Data update: 2019-09-06
  • Publish Date: 2019-09-02
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1136
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