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A Slogan that Sums Up Taichung

2019 International Conference on Taichungology
2019 International Conference on Taichungology
If you are asked to sum up Taichung with a slogan, what will it be? The result of "Summing Up Taichung in One Sentence – Citizens Slogan Contest" organized by the 2019 International Conference on Taichungology was announced today (October 15). From over 300 playful, diversified sentences, one can appreciate the citizens' sense of recognition towards Taichung and what Taichung is like as envisioned by them. In particular, the slogan "Harmonious Taichung – A Livable City to Grow Old In" embodies the vision of Taichung as a livable city and struck a chord in the judges' hearts to snatch the Golden Slogan Award!
According to Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission Chairperson Huang-sheng Wu, apart from the winning slogan, a diverse array of humorous, creative submissions were received for the contest. Slogans such as "Fried Noodles for Breakfast and Braised Pork Rice for Midnight Snack", "A Friendly, Welcoming City", "Too Reluctant to Say Goodbye to Taichung, Because It Is Just too Good Buy", "One Minute of Sentimentality Costs me 60 Seconds of Rationality", "Outsiders Coming to Study in Taichung Will Stay for Good", "Taichung – Perfect Place to Fall in Love, Get Married, and Work" certainly evoke resonance among Taichung citizens that indeed they are the distinguishing characteristics of Taichung!
For the creative contest, the organizer has invited experts in the fields of tourism and marketing to select the gold award, silver award, bronze award, and excellence award. The winning slogans will be exhibited at the international conference hall on the B1F of Community Management Building at National Chung Hsing University during the seminar on November 15 and 16. The award ceremony will be conducted at the closing ceremony on November 16. Please refer to the event's official website for the list of winners (http://www.2019taichungology.org.tw/page/news/index.aspx).
Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission pointed out that the 2019 International Conference on Taichungology has adopted the theme of Creative City – Harmonious Taichung to explore issues such as placemaking, digital technology, youth entrepreneurs, and smart governance in an effort to create an innovative and exuberant Taichung City. Registration ends on October 31. Please refer to the official website for the registration link and other details (http://www.2019taichungology.org.tw/), or click on http://bit.ly/2OJNw0B to register.
  • Data update: 2019-10-22
  • Publish Date: 2019-10-17
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1446
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