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“Touching” in the Reunion Film of the Taiwan Lantern Festival, a Salute to the Unknown Heroes behind the event

“Touching” in the Reunion Film of the Taiwan Lantern Festival, a Salute to the Unknown Heroes behind the event.
“Touching” in the Reunion Film of the Taiwan Lantern Festival, a Salute to the Unknown Heroes behind the event.
We thank very much those who work for controlling and preventing the new coronavirus and making possible the holding of the Taiwan Lantern Festival! The Information Bureau, Taichung City Government shared a film entitled “Reunion” that is adapted from true story of Taichung City Government cabinet. It describes the conditions that due to the job responsibilities, many people cannot stay with their families and which touch the lives of many others. At the same time, the unknown heroes behind the successful lantern festival have been well recognized. All are invited to bring their loved ones, friends and families to the lantern exhibition area to create happy memories in the beautiful lantern world!
The YouTube of the Information Bureau on the 12th posted a film, “The 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung.” In the beginning, the film describes the joy of family reunions during the Chinese Lunar New Year but a little boy, Weiwei, frowned and felt unhappy. He was thinking to send a meal box to his father who is working overtime for the preparation of the Taiwan Lantern Festival, but he fell asleep accidentally. In the film, a wife called her husband who is working overtime for the lantern festival on site and lowered her voice saying, “Are you still busy? Weiwei is sleeping now. He misses you so much today.” These words touch the audience who have tears in the eye. In the end, the sleeping Weiwei was brought by his family and when he woke up, he was happy to visit the Festival with his dad and family. The film showed animal lanterns in the area of the “Carnival of Animals” and the beautiful scene of “snowing” at the Wenxin Forest Park. The narration described in a touching tone saying “reunion” is the purest love with warmth. Mayor Lu Shiow-yen also took a role in the film and she used the cell phone to catch the happiest moment of Weiwei’s family.
According to the Information Bureau, in this January, Mayor Lu visited the side exhibition area of the Taiwan Lantern Festival to get to know the preparations and she saw a city government employee and his son greeting her together. After a chat, she knew that it was the Division Chief, Lin Chian-Hung from the Bureau of Tourism and Travel. After picking up his son, Chief Lin was called to come to the exhibition area for overtime work. Furthermore, to respond to the global spread of the new coronavirus, emergency measures needed to be taken to protect visitors’ health and safety. The city government then adapted Chief Lin’s story to the film in order to thank the participation of everyone who worked in the Festival.
Division Chief Lin said in order to prepare for the side exhibition of the Festival, he and his staff before the opening ceremony often worked together until 2 to 3 o’clock in the early morning. Sometimes his kid was, like the little boy in the film, could only see him in the news report of the Festival. He was very thankful for the support and understanding of his families.
The Information Bureau said the Taiwan Lantern Festival is the outcome of joint great efforts of professionals from various fields and during the process, they sacrificed the time being with their families to make this wonderful international event successful. The film, “Reunion,” is dedicated to those who helped prevent and control the new coronavirus and worked in the Festival. Everyone was invited to bring their dear families and friends to the glorious Festival and to feel the touching “reunions.”
The link of “Reunion- the 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung is shown below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxItp3n9owI。

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  • Data update: 2020-02-24
  • Publish Date: 2020-02-19
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1149
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