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Taiwan Lantern Festival – Mayor Lu: "Your Smiles Represent the Brightest Light of the Lantern Festival"

Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen shares video on FB
Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen shares video on FB
The 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival drew to a flawless conclusion last night (2/23), and Taichung City Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen shared a video on FB to look back at the spectacular moments of the lantern festival as well as the efforts of various work partners and the smiles of the visitors. Lu thanked everyone for visiting Taichung and participating in the Taiwan Lantern Festival, all 11.82 million of them. The remarkable turnout represents people's acknowledgment and support for the city government, and she also said that "Your Smiles Represent the Brightest Light of the Lantern Festival."
Lu pointed out that with the threat of the COVID-19 outbreak, the city government has collaborated with the central government to ensure the preparedness of the lantern festival, particularly in the area of outbreak prevention, and everyone's collective efforts will be noticed by the world. She thanked all the colleagues, volunteers, partners, and outbreak prevention personnel by stating "You are light in the darkness illuminating every corner of Taiwan and touching everyone's hearts; thank you for your contributions, and we believe we will be all right."
She also mentioned that although the 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival has come to an end, the exciting stories will go on, and people will remember the brilliance of Taichung. Lastly, let us look forward to the 2021 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Hsinchu!
The video showcases the dedicated expression of exhibition decorators while assembling together lanterns, the meticulous transport planning of the city government, and the plethora of thoughtful services offered by numerous volunteers at the exhibition areas. Furthermore, the video has also captured the smiles of joy on the visitors' faces amid the splendid lanterns.
After the video was released, countless netizens have clicked like and left comments such as "I'm proud to be a Houli citizen in Taichung! The lantern festival is truly a spectacular success, thank you for your efforts, we have witnessed it firsthand!"; "Truly excellent! I appreciate the dedication of the organizer in planning transportation and software and hardware in the exhibition areas! I give the event full marks!"; "I'm proud of being a Taichung citizen"; "Taichung is great! Thanks to all the hard-working staff at the lantern festival, thank you"; "Taichung lantern festival's innovation and perfection have left us with unforgettable memories"; "The lantern festival has been praised far and wide thanks to the organizer's commitment and endeavors, thank you for providing us with such a scintillating feast of lights".

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  • Data update: 2020-03-03
  • Publish Date: 2020-02-27
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1130
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