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Scrutinizing Disease Control Measures of Taichung City Government! Visitor Flow Management and Control at Three Scenic Sites in Jia An Keng, Taichung

Safe Visiting with People Flow Control and Management
Safe Visiting with People Flow Control and Management
In consonance with the announcement of people flow control and management measures by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), the Bureau of Tourism and Travel of Taichung City Government today (12th) enacts control and management standards and methods for Dakeng Scenic Area (#9, 9-1, and 10 Walkway), Daan Beach Park and Sculpture Park of Tiezhenshan Scenic Area in Dajia to accommodate 4,500 visitors, 10,250 visitors, and 3,500 visitors respectively. Meanwhile, the staff is requested to promote, control, and management by raising signs and broadcasting at the main entrances during peak hours on holidays. To contain the pandemic, the Taichung City Government actively promotes a safe and comfortable tourism environment and calls for the cooperation of visitors to follow control and management measures. According to the Director General of the Bureau of Tourism and Travel, Lin Shiau-chi, there are several entrances near the #9 Walkway of Dakeng, Daan Beach Park, and Tiezhenshan Scenic Area, so it is different from the single entrance at either department stores downtown or theme parks. Scenic areas are mostly open spaces and we can only follow relevant rules announced by the CECC. Thus, the main entrances of scenic areas are managed with maximum people flow control and management calculating based on loading capacities of the scenic areas, number of cars parked in the parking lot and number of visitors on site. If there are over one person per two square meters and over 50% parking spaces are used, relevant control and management measures will be initiated. For example, on the most popular #9 Walkway, people flow calculation includes #9, 9-1 and 10 walkways as well as the pavement before Earthquake Park and the maximum capacity is about 4,500 people. In the summer vacation paradise, Daan Beach Park, the calculation of 10,250 people is derived from the announced Regulations Governing Water Activities while the popular Sculpture Park is planned as the control and management area of the Dajia Tiezhenshan Scenic Area for the maximum number of 3,500 people. Director Lin further said yesterday that the Administration of Scenic Areas and the Police promoted jointly for pandemic control and prevention at the parking lot of Dakeng Earthquake Park. The starting point of the parking lot of Dakeng #6 Walkway and 50% of the parking spaces in front of Tiezhenshan Visitor Center were closed. Construction Bureau and Transportation Bureau today, respectively, closed some parking lots of the Dakeng Earthquake Park and Jinbuku with the assistance of security personnel for control and management. Additionally, the police and staff on site helped to advice and crack down on illegal parking. Once the number of visitors exceeds the maximum standard, the Bureau of Tourism and Travel will conduct controls on on-site density of people flow at the same time to initiate the maximum capacity restriction measures. Broadcasts and signs raised for entry bans will be used. At the same time, pandemic control and prevention concepts and social distancing will be reminded for better preparation to contain the pandemic. Director Lin added yesterday (the 11th) that all directors of the Bureau of Tourism and Travel conducted on-site investigations at 50 popular scenic sites easily attracting crowds in person and found effective implementation of pandemic control and prevention measures by visitors and stores. The three scenic sites managed by Scenic Area Administration are open spaces and people flow control and management are conducted according to the rules of the Central Government. Visitors are asked to cooperate. Since last month, sites where visitors have easily gathered included hiking walkways, toilets, pavilions and observatory decks were posted with announcements on pandemic control and prevention to avoid clustering or cooking and hand wash lotions have been prepared in hand washing sites of toilets in the scenic areas. Visitors are reminded to wash their hands and maintain the safe social distance of 1.5 meters and 1.0 meter, respectively, indoors and outdoors. When visiting indoor or outdoor scenic sites, visitors shall follow the relevant rules to avoid infection and spread of the virus for better enjoyment and protection.
  • Data update: 2020-04-16
  • Publish Date: 2020-04-13
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1006
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