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Eye-catching Lotus Blossoms in Taichung City and Viewing Destinations Recommended by the Tourism and Travel Bureau

Eye-catching Lotus Blossoms in the Taichung City and Viewing Destinations Recommended by the Tourism and Travel Bureau
Eye-catching Lotus Blossoms in the Taichung City and Viewing Destinations Recommended by the Tourism and Travel Bureau
It is now summer time as well as the season for lotus blossoms. The best know viewing destinations in Taichung City include Asia University in Wufeng, Dongshi Forestry Cultural Park and Zhao’s Historical House in Qingshui. Lotus blossoms last between May and September each year. The Tourism and Travel Bureau of the Taichung City Government welcomes your visit.
According to the Tourism and Travel Bureau, each May, on the campus of Asia University in Wufeng, there are phoenix, golden shower tree and lotus blossoms. In addition to flower blossoms of various kinds, there are also the beautiful Romanian architecture, European-styled library and the Asia University Museum of Fine Art featuring beautiful sculptures. Therefore, here is a popular site for flower blossom viewing and photos. For visitors who love to get close to mother nature, they can also visit the Zhou Wu Walkway for beautiful scenery of Taichung.
The Forestry Cultural Park, located in Dongshi District, has spacious hinterland and offers visitors free admission. The Park is equipped with multiple recreational and educational functions such as ecological conservation, historical preservation of the forestry industry and exhibitions of wood sculpture art. The five-hectare lotus ecological pond each summer attracts crowds of visitors and the Park considerately designed the walkway around the pond and observatory platform for better photos. Featuring the plantation and shielding of tall, green trees, the Park is the ideal site to visit during the summer. Visitors can also visit on their way to Ruanbikeng Recreational Agricultural Area where on weekends and holidays, the market offers fresh local produce. After that, you are welcome to the Sky Walk for fresh air with its total length of three kilometers, about a two-hour walking distance.
The Bureau pointed out that this is in addition to the said two scenic sites of mountains in the Tun area. Zhao’s Historical House in Qingshui is also highly recommended by many visitors for blossom viewing on the coastal line. In addition to the historical architecture that is more than one hundred years old, the pink lotus pond in front of the architecture is worth visiting. The lotus pond at the back of the Xinxing Temple in Qingshui is also highly recommended. In contrast with the rear discarded factory, it is a good site for more photos in different styles. For bike lovers, you can ride on the bike path along the Wufu Canal with its total length of 10 kilometers. You will also have the opportunity to see the amazing scene of IG popular "Shilaitou Bridge," the bridge on the bridge.
Furthermore, in the 2000-ping area Zhongshe Flower Market in Houli District, lotus flowers in different colors and species are planted; rebuilt by the local community development association, Blossom Guangming Island in the Wuzi District featuring the farm village theme is also an ideal destination. Jioushe Park in Beitun District plants pink lotus flowers adjacent to the huge area of green land. At Eden Heart Flower Garden in Tanzi District, visitors can go to the highly recommended scenic site to take photos of the white church. Taichung welcomes its visitors during the long holiday of the Dragon Boat Festival.
The Bureau also reminded the public to keep the social distancing of more than 1.5 meters indoors and 1 meter outdoors. When riding on the public transport, do correctly wear a face mask. Check your body temperature before going out and regularly wash hands when going out and avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose. Carefully protect yourself and enjoy the beautiful landscapes in Taichung.

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  • Data update: 2020-06-10
  • Publish Date: 2020-06-03
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1096
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