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Re-opening of the Secret Scenery of Dakeng Walkway #5, Assistance to the Stimulation of Mountain Hiking Tourism in Taichung

Dakeng Walkway #5 –Repairs for Corrosion of the Acacia Wooden Walkway
Dakeng Walkway #5 –Repairs for Corrosion of the Acacia Wooden Walkway
Located on the ridge of Touke Mountain, Dakeng Walkway #5 has been constructed with various lookout points where visitors can enjoy the beautiful sceneries. Due to its location inside the forest area, there is diverse ecological landscape. On the way, at 0K+630, there are two more than 100-year old black pine trees next to the Hesong Platform and recently, it has become a popular photo site. Last year, because of heavy rain, the slopes on the sides of the walkway collapsed and the adjacent acacia walkway and the base of fences were hollowed out. The Bureau of Tourism and Travel of the Taichung City at the end of this April completed the repairs and re-opened the site. This secret scenery is still appealing and its comfort and safety have been greatly improved. Crowds of hiking lovers and visitors come to visit the place and praise its beauty.
According to the Director General of the Tourism and Travel Bureau, Lin Shiau-chi, this repairs included Dakeng Walkway #5 as well as #4 since these two walkways have been used for many years and been eroded by various natural disasters caused by storms and heavy rains. Consequently, some facilities were damaged resulting in difficulties in walking. Since the construction in early January this year, with the efforts of the Taichung City Government, the repairs were completed and the re-opening was made smoothly in early May. The safety and convenience of the walkway has been dramatically optimized to effectively improve hiking safety and tourism and recreation quality.
She pointed out that the repaired Walkway #4 and #5 are among the hiking walkways of Touke Mountain to the east of the Dakeng Scenic Area. The Walkway #4 has a total length of 1,900 meters, the longest walkway in Dakeng between 470 and 745 meters above sea level. There is the 300-meter big slope, nicknamed "exhausting slope," which is very challenging.
Additionally, the Walkway #5 has a total length of 1,400 meters from the south to the north line between 595 and 859 meters above sea level linking with Walkways #1, #2, #3 and #4. This walkway is more recreational with various beautiful lookout points including Hesong Pavilion, Gaofong Pavilion and Touke Peak.
Director General Lin said these walkways are in the forest where flourishing trees and vegetation grow and have rich ecological resources. In principle, the repairs focused on the restoration of walkways, slope protection and renovation of old and damaged facilities. Furthermore, due to slope gradient, it is difficult to ship machinery and materials for construction and laborers were used for deliveries. The project was not easy. After the repairs, convenience and safety have been greatly improved. Hikers are welcome to experience the beauty of nature and breathe in Phytoncide.
The Scenic Area Administration in the Taichung City pointed out that in consideration of the safety of hikers, repairs and maintenance works of the walkways will be gradually implemented during closed phased periods. The closure of the same walkway in principle will be uni-directional. At present, the slopes of Walkway #3 and #7 have been under construction. Dangerous zones on the walkways are equipped with safety alert lines. Do keep away from them.
This year, budgets will be continuously be allocated to the repair of walkways in Dakeng including #8, #9, and #10. For updated information of walkway closure, please visit https://www.scenic.taichung.gov.tw.

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  • Data update: 2020-06-10
  • Publish Date: 2020-06-03
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 969
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