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Announcement to Lift Eight Ban Measures in Taichung by Mayor Lu to Incorporate with the Program of "New Life for Pandemic Prevention and Control and Better Life in Taichung"

Announcement to Lift Eight Ban Measures in Taichung by Mayor Lu
Announcement to Lift Eight Ban Measures in Taichung by Mayor Lu
The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on June 7th announced the lifting of pandemic prevention and control life measures bans for daily and recreational activities on June 7th. Accordingly, Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen today (the 9th) at the city council meeting announced that Taichung is lifting the eight ban measures including resuming of "dining together" at community care centers, courses offered at senior citizen institutes, unlimited admission number to parent-children centers, performing programs at arts and cultural venues and the opening of campuses in Phase 3 to allow citizens in Taichung to "live the new and better life under pandemic prevention and control!"
According to Mayor Lu, first, 411 community care centers around Taichung will resume the service of "dining together" to care for the older people and young children. Second, half of the 890 courses offered in total at senior citizen institutes will be open before September. Third, eight parent-children centers will open their admission to all starting from June 7th. Fourth, art and cultural venues in Taichung will offer performing events to enrich the art and cultural life of its citizens. Fifth, the Cultural Affairs Bureau now promotes "Economic Relief 2.0 for the Art and Cultural Industry" to show support with practical action.
Sixth, from tomorrow (the 10th) the opening of campuses in Phase 3 will be initiated. In addition to opening on weekdays after school hours and on weekends and holidays, the public is now allowed to enter campuses for sports before school hours on weekdays. Facilities on campuses are now available for rental. Seventh, the pandemic prevention and control meeting of the Taichung City Government will be convened once every two weeks. Eighth, the Economic Development Bureau has been actively preparing for the "2nd Taichung Shopping Festival" for economic stimulus by helping shop owners to attract more customers.
Additionally, Mayor Lu also pointed out that the Dajia Zhenlan Temple will begin the Mazu Pilgrimage this year since June 11th and the Temple promised to adhere to the rules of the Central Government by controlling the number of daily participants to less than 1,000 people and requesting all participants to wear face masks during the whole pilgrimage journey. Since it will be the first large-scale religious pilgrimage event after lifting the bans, the Taichung City Government has been very careful to keep vigilant and Deputy Mayor Chen Tzi-Chin was entrusted to organize a task force. Tomorrow the task force will visit Zhenlan Temple to listen to the pandemic prevention and control planning and give necessary assistance to ensure a safe and successful pilgrimage.
Mayor Lu also said in addition to lifting the eight pandemic prevention and control measures, the Taichung City Government also announced the cancellation for cape control in each business district, market and venues of tourism and recreation. Various channels will be used for promotion and relevant signs will be adjusted accordingly. Each governmental agency is also advised to accelerate adjustments for citizens to gradually return to their normal lives.
  • Data update: 2020-06-12
  • Publish Date: 2020-06-09
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 984
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