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New Sites for Environmental Education: Certified Sites of Da-an Sea Theme Park and Tung Hai University

The Certified Environmental Education Site in Tung Hai University
The Certified Environmental Education Site in Tung Hai University
Caring for environmental protection education, the Bureau of Environmental Protection of the Taichung City Government continuously and successfully counselled 17 environmental education sites for certifications granted by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan. This August, two more certified environmental education sites, "Da-an Sea Theme Park" with abundant inshore ecosystem resources as well as "sustainable ecological field of Tung Hai University campus" were added to the list. Taichung now has two more quality environmental education sites for the public to visit and learn.
According to the Acting Director General of the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Chen Hung-Yi, on August 17th both Da-an Sea Theme Park and sustainable ecological field of Tung Hai University campus were certified as environmental education sites. The former has abundant inshore ecosystem resources suitable for environmental education courses on oceans, estuary wetlands and energy utilization while the latter helps to develop environmental awareness and problem solving abilities based on the core of environmental symbiosis and natural harmony.
According to the Bureau, there are 19 environmental education sites in Taichung including Fengyuan Recycle Center, Reclaim Center of Water Resources in the Shigang Bashui Designated Area, Waste Water Treatment Plant of Taichung Science Park in the Central Taiwan Science Park(CTSP), the Taichung Prison Butokuden (Natural Way Six Arts Cultural Center), ecological park of TSMC in the CTSP, Dakeng Ecological Park, Houli Recycle Plant, Gold-Joint Eco Engineering Demonstration Park, Waste Water Treatment Plant of Houli Science Park in the CTSP, Baxienshan Natural Educational Center, Chaoyang University of Technology, Dongshi Forest Recreation Center, Environmental Education Park of Taichung City Wenshan Resource Recycling Center, Taichung Metropolitan Park, Baozhilin Recycle Center, National Museum of Natural Science, AUO in the CTSP, Da-an Sea Theme Park and the sustainable ecological field of Tung Hai University campus. For more information, please go to "Environmental Education Certification System." (https://eecs.epa.gov.tw/frontRWD/_cert/place_qry.aspx).

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  • Data update: 2020-10-16
  • Publish Date: 2020-10-07
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 725
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