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Seasonal Post for a Limited Time, Silver Grass at Central Park, Taichung

Everyone is Welcome to the Central Park for the Seasonally Limited Silver Grass Landscape 2
Everyone is Welcome to the Central Park for the Seasonally Limited Silver Grass Landscape 2
It is the season of silver grass at the Central Park, Taichung. With easy care and no requirement for irrigation, silver grass is a plant suitable for planning. Autumn is the growing season of sliver grass and they are waiting for your visit now for the seasonal post for a limited time. Director General of the Construction Bureau, Chen Da-Tien, remind visitors that due to the sharp edges of their leaves, they should not be touched and picked randomly to avoid cuts.
Director General Chen said the Central Park in Taichung was designed by the French landscape designer, Mosbach, who used Taiwanese native plants as well as perennial and seasonal plants including French Marigold, Common Cockscomb, sage, Common Petunia, Periwinkle, Philodendron and Common Lantana to create the rich visual aesthetics at the park. In order to present a natural ecological system, the designer also selected silver grass for the building of a beneficial habitat.
According to the Bureau, the Central Park was built at the site of the Taichung Shuinan Airport and based on the planning objective of being a serene ecological site with flood detention, disaster mitigation, emission reduction and recreational functions, more than 106 species of arbors, with a total of more than 10,000 trees, were planted and the native tress species accounted for 83%. Planted along walk paths of the Central Park, silver grass adds colors to autumn that provide opportunities for good photos. Photo enthusiast should not miss this opportunity.

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  • Data update: 2020-10-23
  • Publish Date: 2020-10-20
  • Source: Press Liaison Division, Information Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 548
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