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Enhancement of Link-out Transportation in Longjing District, the Launching of Taichung City Bus #361 on 8/6

Taichung City Bus #361
Taichung City Bus #361

To enhance transportation services provided for high school students and faculty i and on Zhongyang Rd. n Longjing District, the Taichung City Transportation Bureau launched a new bus route, #361 between "Longjin High School-Taichung Veterans General Hospital" that connects Longjin High School, Longjing District Office, Zhushi Rd., Nangang Rd. and Nanliou Li along the Dadu Mountain line. Riders can ride to Donghai Commercial District and Taichung Veterans General Hospital to satisfy their commuting and medical needs. At the same time, transit services on the Taiwan Boulevard Corridor has become more convenient. Bus services of Line #361 were available since August 6th and riders are welcome. Director General of the Transportation Bureau, Yeh Chao-Fu, said the Bureau cares very much about comprehensiveness of mass transportation network in each area and after reviewing, it found no direct transportation services are provided for existing public buses on Zhongyang Rd. to either Zhukokeng in the south or Wuqi in the north before riders take transit busses on Taiwan Boulevard. More time is needed to be spent on bus riding. Additionally, although Nanliaoli of Longjing District is not far away from Taiwan Boulevard, yet no direct connection services to Taiwan Boulevard were provided after public buses were transformed into city buses earlier. To satisfy the increasing needs of riders in Longjing District, the Bureau considered the people’s commuting and medical needs and launched new bus services on Line #361. Operated by Zhong-Lu Bus Traffic Co., Ltd., these buses run 20 journeys of services from 6:30 in the morning to 17:30 in the evening to Longshan Elementary School, Longjing Station, Longjing District Office, Nanliaoli, Ruifong Elementary School, Donghai Commercial District to the terminal stop of Taichung Veterans General Hospital. To enhance the mass transportation network in Longjing District, the Bureau on July 20th also promoted the Little Yellow Bus of Line Yellow 11 Lishui-Longjing for commuters to travel conveniently to Longjing District Office and Shatian Rd. between Lishui Rd. and South Zhongyang Rd. in Longjing District. For more information about Bus Line # 361, please visit the website of "Taichung Real-Time Bus Dynamic Information" ( http://citybus.taichung.gov.tw/ebus ) or download "Taichung Bus app" ( https://is.gd/MTPvdg ). For any questions, please call the toll free line at "1999." (8/4*13)* The Transportation Bureau

  • Data update: 2021-08-16
  • Publish Date: 2021-08-10
  • Source: Transportation Bureau
  • Hit Count: 511