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Reopening of Gaomei Wetland Visitor Center and Service Resumption of Bus Line #111, 309, 688 from 8/1

Reopening of Gaomei Visitor Center and Gradual Bus Service Resumption of Line #111, 309, and 688 since August 1st
Reopening of Gaomei Visitor Center and Gradual Bus Service Resumption of Line #111, 309, and 688 since August 1st
The Central Government announced the lowering of the pandemic alert level to Level 2 since July 27th and the Taichung City Transportation Bureau continuously monitoring the reopening of each tourism site and bus service resumption. To coordinate with the reopening of the Gaomei Wetland Visitor Center and wooden walkway on August 1st and the expected crowds on weekends and holidays, the Bureau negotiated with the relevant operators to gradually resume bus services of Line # 111, 309 and 688 that were temporally terminated due to the pandemic. Service intervals will be continuously reviewed according to the crowds of visitors and the pandemic situation. Director General of the Bureau, Yeh Chao-Fu, said among the bus services to Gaomei Wetland, operations of Line #111, 309, and 688 were once terminated after Taiwan raised its pandemic alert level. Now the pandemic alert level was lowered to Level 2 and the Taichung City Government also announced the reopening of the Gaomei Wetland Visitor Center and Wooden Walkway on August 1st. To provide mass transportation means for the public to arrive at Gaomei Wetland, the Bureau negotiated with operators including Taichung Bus, Ubus, and GEYA Bus to gradually resume bus services of Line# 111, 309, and 688 according to the crowds of visitors and the pandemic situation. The Bureau said from August 1st, eight bus journeys of Line #111 on weekdays, 12 bus journeys of Line #309 on holidays, and 20 bus journeys of Line #688 were resumed on holidays but for the rest time, bus services were still terminated temporarily. In total, eight bus journeys on weekdays and 32 on holidays were added for the convenience of visitors to Gaomei Wetland, Wuqi Fishing Port and tourism sites in the Qingshui area. For more information, please visit the website of "Taichung Real-Time Bus Dynamic Information" ( https://citybus.taichung.gov.tw/ ) or download the "Taichung Bus" app. The Bureau reminded the public that the Central Government lowered the pandemic alert to Level 2, but riders shall still wear face masks when using mass transportation and abide by relevant pandemic prevention and control measures. The first row of seats on buses traveling in the Taichung downtown area shall remain empty and the public shall also maintain the 1.5-meter social distancing. Care for your own health and visit a doctor immediately if you do not feel well or experience respiratory syndromes such as fever and coughs and do not use mass transportation. Protect ourselves and others. (7/31*13)* The Transportation Bureau
Contact person: Mr. Ren at the Taichung City Transportation Bureau
Contact telephone number: 04-22289111 extn. 61139

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  • Data update: 2021-08-16
  • Publish Date: 2021-08-10
  • Source: Transportation Bureau
  • Hit Count: 478