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Four New Bi-directional Bus Stops of Line#157 Since 1/25 for More Bus Transit Convenience

In order to provide better bus transit services for citizens in Taichung, the route of Bus Line # 157 was adjusted last year to travel to Houshen Rd where bus stops cannot be easily built on the divisional island with the design to separate express lane and low speed vehicle lane. The Transportation Bureau invited other agencies such as the Construction Bureau to conduct the on-site evaluation and determined to begin the traffic improvement project by adding more pedestrian space, removing separated facilities, adding alert signs and improving line marking to solve traffic and bus stop concerns. From January 25th, four new bi-directional bus stops were added for the convenience of commuters to travel from and to downtown. Director General Yeh Chao-Fu pointed out that to serve residents along the section, the route of Line #157 was adjusted in 2019 to change the original journey from National Highway #1-National Highway #4 - Dajia Interchange of National Highway #3 -Jiahou Rd. to the route from National Highway #1-Shengang Interchange of National Highway #4-Houshen Rd.-Jiahou Rd. A bus stop was added to Jiahou Rd., but on Houshen Rd., there was the design that separates express lane and low speed vehicle lane. After consideration, no bus stop was set up there and even though buses traveled to Houshen Rd., local residents could not ride on them. Director General Yeh said in consideration of demands of local residents, the Bureau invited other agencies such as the Construction Bureau to inspect on site and decided to begin the traffic improvement construction including adding pedestrian space, removing separating facility, putting on alert signs and improving line marketing to resolve issues related to bus traffic and bus stop installation. Since January 25th, four bi-directional stops were added, respectively at the "Intersection of Houshen Rd. and Jioushe Rd.," the "Intersection of Houshen Rd. and Shuimen Rd.," "Yuying Elementary School (on Houshen Rd.)," and the "Intersection of Houshen Rd. and Lane 721 of Jiahou Rd." for the convenience of local residents along the bus route to travel from and to downtown for commuting and schooling. For more information, please visit the website of the Transportation Bureau (http://www.traffic.taichung.gov.tw). (1/24*14)* The Transportation Bureau.
  • Data update: 2021-08-19
  • Publish Date: 2021-08-12
  • Source: Transportation Bureau
  • Hit Count: 562