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Enhanced Enforcement of Bus Parking Violations when Repairing Bus Stations on the Designated Bus Lane on Taiwan Boulevard

From October 21st this year to February, 2022, the Taichung City Government Transportation Bureau is scheduled to conduct the repair project of bus stations on the designated bus lanes and at present, it has worked on six stations including "Providence University," "Jinjiangliao," "Hungguang University," "Zhengying Rs.," "Pingding" and "Donghai Villa" whose repair have been completed. The current repair of "Veterans General Hospital/Tung Hai University" and "Cheng Ching Hospital" was conducted between November 26th to December 5th. In terms of parking violation of buses at temporary designated lane to let riders to get on and off, the Bureau has requested bus operators to educate their drivers not to park on the temporary designated bus lanes to allow riders to get on and off and inspections were arranged. If there is a violation, penalties will be given to ensure road users’ safety. The Bureau said to reduce inconvenience brought to bus riders due to the bus station construction and to maintain the safety of bus riders and workers, bus stations and the designated lane were closed around the clock and during off peak hours (9:00-16:00), the outer low speed vehicle lane with its width of 2.25 meters on Taiwan Boulevard remained closed for public use. For relevant construction and bus detour information, please see the website of the Transportation Bureau, Real-Time Bus Dynamic System and each bus station and on the designated bus lane, information is announced through the broadcasting system and electronic scrolls to avoid any impact on bus riders during the construction. The Bureau pointed out that due to the limited length of the designated bus lanes on slow speed vehicle lane of the "Veterans General Hospital/Tung Hai University" and "Cheng Ching Hospital" stations, buses needed to take bypasses and before construction, relevant agencies were invited to confirm detours and temporary bus stop locations. Additionally, announcements were posted at the affected bus stops. Bus operators were requested to ask their drivers to stop according to traffic safety instructions to reduce inconvenience on bus riders to the minimum level. The Bureau said drivers are not allowed to drive and fail to observe traffic safety instructions because of not being familiar with traffic safety contents. This will affect the rights of bus riders. The Bureau again asked bus operators to educate their drivers to enable them to be familiar with alternative lanes and locations of temporary bus stations and personnel was also dispatched for site inspection and provision of guidance to bus riders. If there is a violation, penalties will be given accordingly to maintain the safety of road users.

  • Data update: 2021-12-09
  • Publish Date: 2021-12-06
  • Source: Transportation Bureau
  • Hit Count: 456