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Taichung City Wins in Public Bus and Ticket Information System of the Performance Evaluation Awards in Transport Data eXchange of Alliance Agencies by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications

The Taichung City Transportation Bureau actively coordinated its smart transportation policy and participated in public transportation integrated services promoted by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC). Among these services, the dynamic public bus information system and ticket information system were especially recognized by the Central Government. In this year's "Performance Evaluation Awards of the Transport Data eXchange (TDX) of Alliance Agencies," on behalf of the Taichung City Transportation Bureau, Director Chang Ying-Dang of the Public Transportation and Rapid Transit System Office received two High Distinction Awards in the dynamic public bus information system and ticket information system. The Bureau will continuously enhance integration of public transportation system and provide services to the public. Director Chang pointed out that Taichung City is the first one in Taiwan that promoted and used the e-tickets of public buses, respectively, in 2004 and 2005. Integrated applications of e-ticket included charges via mileage, price variation of the same route according to riding distance, coordinate information of bus stops and bus route tracking to let the Taichung City Government and bus operators to understand ridership of public buses that greatly benefits route planning and service interval arrangements. Since its launch, the Taichung City Government, bus operators, ticketing vendors, ticket validation equipment vendors and software developers of ticket validation acquired sufficient experiences. Additionally, the Public Transportation and Rapid Transit System Office consulted bus operators to improve data quality and through the TDX platform, standard rate, coverage rate and upload rate were strictly inspected to enhance data acceptance and provision of key information entries. At the same time, the Office actively coordinated with the MOTC to handle relevant application issues and won special honors by outperforming other central and local governmental agencies. According to the Director General of the Transportation Bureau, Yeh Chao-Fu, since the launch of e-ticket in 2004, Taichung City planned charges via mileage to request riders to swipe their card when getting on and off a bus. In the beginning stage, some riders thought that it was inconvenient to swipe their cards when getting on and off a bus, but in recent years, cities and counties around Taiwan have now adopted this system to have good command of riders' data because of the most comprehensive e-ticket operational rules set up by the Joint Operation Management Committee of Taichung Public Bus as well as coordination of 17 bus operators. From daily equipment maintenance to data check and inspection at the back-end, the basic structure of bus ticket information system was well established to enable Taichung City to win this special honor two years in a row. Director General Yeh added that TDX was established by the MOTC that collects nationwide transportation data to analyze characteristics of public transportation and at the same time, it brings value-added services and diverse development and innovation for both public and private sectors. The Bureau provided basic information on routes and station location information of public buses in Taichung running on 238 routes, daily operating schedules and prices of bus tickets plus information of real-time dynamic bus system and requirement of ticket information uploaded by 17 bus operators to the platform for data applications and analyses by the MOTC and academic institutions. The Bureau said big data analysis is the future development trend of smart transportation and it will continuously coordinate with the MOTC to upload and update relevant transportation service data of public transportation and transportation tickets within the required time for accuracy and completeness of integrated information on the TDX and for proper uses by the industry, the government, the academe and research institutions in their researches.

  • Data update: 2021-12-16
  • Publish Date: 2021-12-16
  • Source: Transportation Bureau
  • Hit Count: 675