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Secretary-General Huang said to create a communication platform for low carbon transformation in the first general meeting of LCIA.

Secretary-General Huang delivered a speech.
Secretary-General Huang delivered a speech.
The Low Carbon Industry Alliance (LCIA) is the first organization in Taiwan to be jointly established by 20 public associations, ten schools, and research units. They reach the goal of net zero carbon emissions for small and medium-sized enterprises by joining upstream and downstream industrial chains. Today (29), it held the first general meeting of the first session with the Taichung Industrial and Commercial Development Investment Promotion Association, announcing the formal establishment of the Low Carbon Industry Alliance. Chong-Dian Huang, Secretary-General of the Taichung City Government, represented Mayor Shiow-Yen Lu and expressed expectations for the Alliance to integrate industrial, official, academic, and research resources leveraging the city government's strengths to lead the low-carbon transformation and overcome future challenges together..

Secretary-General Huang said that the establishment of this platform is of great significance. Already 130 countries have announced their intention to achieve the net zero carbon emissions target by 2050, including our country, which has also entered the law to move in this direction. Currently, the relevant sub-methods are all in the development stage. The world will face carbon emission control issues in the future, and this dilemma requires the industry to propose countermeasures in advance. There is still some vague space in relevant laws and regulations, including EU carbon border tax and carbon trade. To respond to the global green energy transformation trend and promote industry transformation, sharing, communication, and learning through platforms are necessary.
According to Secretary-General Huang, Mayor Lu has attached great importance to the issue of environmental sustainability. Therefore, the city government has set up a dedicated unit to promote low-carbon city policies. Secretary-General Huang serves as the director of the Taichung City Government's Sustainable Development and Low-Carbon City Promotion Office. They have assisted the "Sustainable Net Zero Trilogy" of low-carbon cities, including part one of the "Climate Emergency Declaration" signed last January. The second part is the "2021 Taichung City Voluntary Local Review," announced in September of the previous year, covering three significant aspects of the environment, society, and economy, setting 103 indicators and 106 projects. The third part was on Earth Day on April 22 last year, publicly declaring the "2050 Taichung City Net-Zero Carbon Emissions Pathways," including how to transform energy and improve urban facilities. Moreover, since it has been ten years since Taichung City developed low-carbon city autonomy regulations, Mayor Lu also instructed the city government team to keep pace with the times to make revisions, hoping to adjust and implement the goal of zero-carbon sustainable development gradually.

Secretary-General Huang indicated that Taichung City put forward the "Blue Sky and White Cloud Project" after Mayor Lu took office. In terms of the environment, they have improved the air quality through efforts. The PM2.5 concentration in 2022 is expected to be 12.7 micrograms, which is lower than the national standard of 15 micrograms. It has dropped by 6.1 micrograms, and the improvement rate is as high as 32% compared with 18.8 micrograms in 2018, four years ago. And last year, the number of poor air quality was 11 days, 49 days less than 60 days in 2018.

Yu-Shan Huang, Chief of Staff of the Taichung Industrial and Commercial Development Investment Promotion Association, expressed her gratitude to YUAN JUN FONG CASTING CO., LTD., a leading foundry industry indicator, for taking the lead and allowing about 20 business communities across the country to attend in this platform. The city government can serve and assist everyone in the industry, even in coordinating low-carbon cities in line with the sustainable development of the United Nations ESG. She hopes everyone can work to fight for economic transformation and transformation to make Taichung and Taiwan better.

According to the Taichung Industrial and Commercial Development Investment Promotion Association, the central region is a significant settlement of the manufacturing industry, so the issue of net zero carbon emissions is crucial for development. YUAN JUN FONG, a leading manufacturer of foundry industry indicators, turned the crisis into an opportunity and became one of the first manufacturers in Taiwan's foundry industry to obtain the ISO 14064-1:2018 greenhouse gas inventory standard certification. General Manager Hsien-Yi Huang even launched the Low Carbon Industry Alliance, hoping to fight a team battle through the "Low-Carbon National Team" to pave the way for the low-carbon transformation of Taiwan's industries in the next ten years by starting from the three aspects of process and energy use improvement and circular economy.

Hsien-Yi Huang, the founder of the Low Carbon Industry Alliance and General Manager of YUAN JUN FONG CASTING CO., LTD., stated that Taiwan's industry is toward export sales-oriented, and the wave of net zero carbon emissions and carbon neutrality is bound to impact and affect the future of the industry. Under forceful requirements from countries such as Europe, the United States, and Japan, Taiwanese manufacturers must provide low-carbon or zero-carbon products or processes in the supply chain. Furthermore, this becomes a crucial test for the manufacturing industry, as future carbon tax collection will include carbon emissions.
General Manager Huang added large enterprises in various countries now have actively acquired green power and developed energy-saving technologies. . However, since Taiwan mainly consists of small and medium-sized enterprises, there is an urgent need for cooperation between upstream and downstream industrial chains. The alliance founding purpose is to boost small and medium-sized enterprises from raw material selection and manufacturing to transportation and other industrial processes to work together to solve carbon emission problems and complete carbon inventory and reduction goals.

Secretary-General and Director of Taichung City Government's Sustainable Development and Low-Carbon City Promotion Office Chong-Dian Huang, City Councilor Yong-Hong Zhou, Chief of Staff of the Taichung Industrial and Commercial Development Investment Promotion Association Yu-Shan Huang, Director of Environmental Protection Bureau Hong-Yi Chen, and the founder of the Low Carbon Industry Alliance Hsien-Yi Huang were all present at today's event.
  • Data update: 2023-04-06
  • Publish Date: 2023-03-30
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 333
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