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First Air Raid Simulation in Exercise Min-An #9; Mayor Lu: We Are Here to Protect!

First Air Raid Simulation in Exercise Min-An #9; Mayor Lu: We Are Here to Protect!
First Air Raid Simulation in Exercise Min-An #9; Mayor Lu: We Are Here to Protect!

National Defense Mobilization and Disaster Prevention and Rescue Exercise *Min-An #9) started today (13) in Taichung City. A table-top exercise was conducted in the morning at Chiao-Jen Elementary School at Wuri District, and general drill in the afternoon at the empty lot next to Exit 2 of TMRT HSR Taichung Station and Xukuang Elementary School at Wuri District. More than 1,100 people were mobilized in exercise activities covering emergency response to natural disasters and, for the first time, “wartime disaster rescue” in response to international developments. Mayor Shiow-Yen Lu stated that today's exercise was a success and demonstrated the determination to protect the country, our home, and people. More importantly, it is necessary to work hard to avoid war and all kinds of disasters. We need to prepare for war but do the best to avoid it; that’s the highest goal of national security.

“We are here to protect!” Mayor Lu said today’s Exercise Min-An #9 is the first civilian security exercise in Taiwan this year organized by a local government and it ios a complete success thanks to the meticulous preparation in advance. Today’s exercise is the first this year to include war as an exercise topic. With the tension rising around Taiwan, the peace of Taiwan becomes the center of global attention. Having this exercise at this point of time means a lot, as it is a statement to Taiwan and the world that we are determined to protect Taiwan, Taichung, and all people. We will do the best for preparation. At the end of exercise, she visited the wartime victim shelter and expressed her gratitude to all those who participated in the event.

Mayor Lu recognized the efforts and hard work of all units in today's exercise, and asked all units to review and improve after the exercise with negligence. She made two suggestions. First of all, there is no such thing as enough preparations, and we should not be complacent with the complete success of the exercise; instead, we need to work harder; second, if a war breaks out, it will be crueler and more destructive than we can imagine. Therefore, she asked all government officers at the event that they must have the ability to be more responsive and responsible in the future. In addition, it is important to prepare for exercises and mobilization from the perspective of national security and strategy, but more importantly, we need to prepare for war but do the best to avoid it; that’s the highest goal of national security.

Dr. Liu, Wen-Chung, Deputy Minister of Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan, indicated that it is the efforts of all participants to lead to the success of today’s exercise, and he was grateful for everybody’s efforts that made this happen. Again, he expressed his most sincere gratitude and affirmation to the participants for their efforts and hard work on behalf of Executive Yuan. He mentioned specifically that Mayor Lu led all bureau chiefs for the exercise, which is the first time in recent years. Apparently, Taichung City is a city that values disaster prevention and rescue the most, providing the greatest protection for all citizens' lives and property. Today's Min-An #9 Exercise in Taichung City is a good example for all other counties and cities, as it effectively integrates the response energy of complex disasters, and enables the civil defense to timely and fully support the national defense, stabilize the morale of the military and the people, and keep the country safe.

Today’s exercise consisted of a “table-top exercise” and “general drill.” Mayor Lu, as the chief commander, stayed in control of the entire event and led multiple bureau and district chiefs in the table-top exercise in the morning and general drill in the afternoon, simulating a scenario where TRA, TMRT and HSR were under attack. The exercise not only verified the war preparation energy accumulated by the city hall over the years, but also served as a test on the transition of response capability in wartime. Miss Lin, Chuen-Mei, deputy executive secretary of All-Out Defense Mobilization; Dr. Liu, Wen-Chung, Deputy Minister of Atomic Energy Council; Mr. Fang, De-Yi, executive office of Office of Disaster Prevention and Rescue, and Mr. Wang, Chih-Sheng, deputy chief of staff of Exercise Scheduling Office were invited to the venue to witness the event and cheer for the participants.

Mr. Sun Fu-You, Director-General of Taichung City Fire Bureau, pointed out the general drill covered a typhoon scenario in which flooding and debris flow that come from typhoon were simulated. The city hall spread the evacuation order through the CBS system and put out appropriate prevention and response efforts. The war simulation included a scenario where the tri-rail station was paralyzed by bombardment, radioactive substance was leaking and oil and gas storage facilities sustained damage. The drill exhibited city hall’s ability to coordinate and integrate disaster rescue resources, and support the rescue efforts through government agencies, business departments and civilian rescue energy. It verified the operation of the city hall's peacetime and wartime conversion mechanism, the command and response of the government-military contract, and the integration efficiency of civilian disaster relief resources.

The Fire Bureau indicated that National Defense Force, the Airborne Service Corps, public and private institutions, civilian voluntary organizations, and county and city governments providing supports across districts are mobilized for Min-An #9 Exercise in addition to the departments and district offices under the city hall. A helicopter, 102 vehicles, 1,112 participants and 2 search and rescue dogs were mobilized in total to integrate resources from all parties, improve operational efficiency, and demonstrate the results of disaster prevention and rescue preparations in daily life.

The Fire Bureau also said that the city hall believes "more preparation for less loss". The exercise brought the military, government, and civilians together to establish closer communication and cooperation channels. Doing a good job in disaster prevention and rescue is the only way to prevent disasters, minimize losses that come with disaster, and create a safe and secure living environment.

  • Data update: 2023-04-18
  • Publish Date: 2023-04-14
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 385
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