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What documents must be prepared for the initial application of an identification card?

A color photo taken within the latest two years, NT$ 50 for handling fee, student ID card, and household registration booklet.
For children aged under 14: The identification cards and seals of both his/her legal representatives (If the application is filed by one of the legal representatives, the written consent from the other should be presented).
For children aged over 14: The applicant can apply in person or entrust his/her father or mother for the application (The authorized party should present his/her identification card, power of attorney, and seal).
For adults over the age of 20: The applicant should present his/her household registration booklet and seal (or signature).
  • Data update: 2023-06-08
  • Publish Date: 2012-05-21
  • Source:
  • Hit Count: 293
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