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Solving disputes during the process of construction:

If your house is damaged due to ongoing construction work in neighboring plots, please attempt to resolve the problem with the proprietor or the constructor for a possible settlement before proceeding further. Should your effort to settle the issue be of no avail, you may submit an objection to the Construction Bureau appended with concrete facts (e.g., photos), certificates of the owner and your genuine name. The Construction Bureau will inform the proprietor, constructor, supervisor, designated engineers and the victims with official letters issued by the Bureau within seven days after receipt of the objection to jointly survey the extent of damage and settle the issue in accordance with the “Regulations of Taichung City Government Governing Control over Construction Work”. If the dispute proves to fall within the scope of private right, please take the initiative to resort to legal means for resolution.

Please contact the Construction License Management Section (Subsection of Construction), Urban Development Bureau at TEL: (04) 22290082 if you have other questions or require clarifications.
  • Data update: 2023-06-08
  • Publish Date: 2011-11-15
  • Source: Urban Development Bureau
  • Hit Count: 277
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