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What if people have doubt about the on-site sketches or survey records of a traffic accident?

1. Policemen dealing with a traffic accident must draw on-site sketches and write down survey records (records of the conversation) according to Article 10 of "Regulations Governing Road Traffic Accidents". The sketches and records must be undersigned by the parties involved in the accident. If people have any questions about the on-site sketches or survey record (record of the conversation), they can ask the policemen to explain before signing. If any missing points or mistakes are found, they can also ask the policemen to make correction. Please pay attention to your words and attitude. Do not excite any dispute or conflict with the policemen handling the case.
2. In accordance with Article 100 - 3 of The Code of Criminal Procedure, the policeman should not make the survey record during the night (after sunset and before sunrise) unless the involved party agrees to carry out the investigation or under special conditions (like an emergency case, etc.). Moreover, people may keep silent, not to make any statement contrary to their intention in accordance with Article 95 of The Code of Criminal Procedure.
3. If people are unwilling to be inquired for the survey record (record of the conversation) due to illness or other factors, they can ask the police to fix another day. Nevertheless, it is strongly suggested that unless under special circumstances, people cooperate with the police to collect evidence and clarify the truth of the accident as soon as possible.
  • Data update: 2023-06-08
  • Publish Date: 2012-09-28
  • Source: Police Department
  • Hit Count: 284
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