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What are the service areas for iTaichung? How do I search for hotspots?

The WiFi hotspots are primarily available in New Taichung City Hall, Yang Ming Building, District offices, Household offices, Land offices, Cultural centers, libraries, and cultural & educational facilities. Citizens are able to search for the SSID “iTaichung”. As these hotspots are located in the indoor public area of government offices, citizens can identify the availability of the iTaichung service through the  logo posted at the entrance of government organizations and agencies. By entering government offices with this  logo (places with better signal response), citizens can enjoy the iTaichung service. For more information, please go to "Hotspot Search" on this website.

  • Data update: 2023-08-09
  • Publish Date: 2023-08-09
  • Source: Digital Affairs Bureau
  • Hit Count: 326
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