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How much bandwidth does the iTaichung service currently support?

This iTaichung Wi-Fi service is based on shared bandwidth, which varies according to number of users, anticipating the users can use 8M bandwidth for basic wireless Internet access, mainly to provide the public with basic WiFi service and to satisfy the temporary Internet access needs of users either outdoors or conducting business at a government office. Citizens can conveniently check and send e-mails in their spare time and browse websites as well. This bandwidth range can meet the demands of the basic and frequently used networking services mentioned above. Citizens wishing to download a large amount of multimedia data or files should subscribe to a commercial Wi-Fi service. iTaichung mainly provides basic internet surfing service.

  • Data update: 2023-08-09
  • Publish Date: 2023-08-09
  • Source: Digital Affairs Bureau
  • Hit Count: 299
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