Opening Hours:
Unless otherwise specified, the unified
opening hours are 8:30-21:00 from Tuesday to Saturday, and 8:30-17:30 on Sunday.
The opening hours of following library branches: Dadu Ruijing Branch(大肚瑞井分館), Shigang Branch(石岡分館),
Wuqi Parent-child Branch,(梧棲親子館), Xisnhe Branch (新社分館), Longjing Shanding Branch(龍井山頂分館),
Longjing Longin Branch(龍井龍津分館)
are from Tuesday to Sunday: 08:30-17:30.
Fengyuan Nansong Branch (豐原南嵩分館) are open from Tuesday to Sunday: 08:30-12:30,13:30-17:30.
Closed days: Every Monday and national holidays.
For further information, please refer to: The opening times of the branches of Taichung Public Library
and Opening Hours/Closed days