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Taichung City Precision Machinery Innovation Technology Park

Taichung is an important production base of machinery industry in Taiwan. The Taichung City Precision Machinery Innovation Technology Park (TCPMP) was developed to coordinate with the national policy to upgrade the technology of the machinery industry and to form a cooperative and complementary system with the Central Taiwan Science Park. Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the TCPMP, which occupy 124.79 ha and 36.92 ha respectively, are designed to provide industrial lands mainly, and also reserve spaces for supportive services, residential areas and comprehensive public facilities. The extension and inter-connection of the main access to the park, park’s surrounding green belt and strategic industries stationing in such as software, R&D, design has built a dual core industrial park with green, ecological, sustainable image space and style, further more developed the TCPMP the hub of innovation for the Dadu Mountain technology corridor.

Introduced industries include:
1. Competitive local mechanical equipment manufacturing and repair industries with future technical upgrade potential including:
(1) Metal cutting machine tools
(2) Metal forming machine tools
(3) Specialized production machinery
(4) Machinery parts and components
(5) Other mechanical manufacturing and repairs
(6) Electrical machinery manufacturing and repairs
(7) Metal products manufacturing
2. Supportive industries of the Central Taiwan Science Park including high value-added specialized production equipment with core competencies using new technologies, parts, components and products:
(1) Electronic precision machinery manufacturing
(2) photoelectric precision machinery manufacturing
(3) Semiconductor precision machinery manufacturing

3. Other industries approved by the industrial authorities
industries that are considered conducive to the development of the local industry after reviewed by the industrial authorities and the TCPMP “Vendor Selection Committee.”。
  • Data update: 2018-02-14
  • Publish Date: 2016-09-08
  • Source: Economic Development Bureau
  • Hit Count: 4263
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