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To summon an ambulance in Taichung, dial the central emergency number 119. It is best to have a Chinese speaker communicate for you when calling this number. In the event that this is not possible, dialing the Taichung City Police Bureau Foreign Affairs Section's 24-hour hotline at (04) 2327-3875 is also an option.

Local ambulances are equipped to varying standards, according to the emergency and ambulance company. Depending on the severity of the situation, taking a private car or taxi to the hospital may also be a quick option.
To deal with unexpected emergencies, it is advisable to always carry a card with the Foreign Affairs Police hotline number, the address/name of a hospital near your home, your blood type, National Health Insurance card, Alien Residence Certificate (or photocopy), and business card with your name in Chinese.

  • Data update: 2018-01-30
  • Publish Date: 2015-03-26
  • Source: RDEC
  • Hit Count: 3451
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