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Hospital Registration

Hospital Registration
Hospital Registration

Local hospitals and clinics require that patients register before making an appointment to see a doctor.  Due to the fact that most local registration staff do not speak English, non-Chinese-speaking foreigners are strongly advised to bring a Chinese speaker with them when going to a local hospital.  The exceptions are local hospitals with special international medical-care centers/services specifically created to serve non-Taiwanese patients (see list of English-speaking hospitals).


To register, a passport or Alien Residence Certificate, Taiwan National Health Insurance card (if one resides in Taiwan) and cash are usually required.  Most public hospitals do not accept credit cards.  To register, patients should go to the registration desk and inform staff about which department or doctor they want to see.  First-time visitors will be asked to fill out a registration form.  Requested information generally includes name, address, sex, nationality, ID card number, birthday, telephone number, emergency contacts and their telephone numbers, and insurance information.  On return visits, patients only need to present their previously-issued hospital registration card.


Registered patients will be given payment slip, which must then be taken to the cashier for payment of registration and initial examination fees.  Further payment slips may be issued for immediate payment if additional medical procedures are required.  Upon payment, slips should be presented to doctors or staff conducting medical procedures.


If a doctor issues a prescription slip, this must be presented to the pharmacy, which will issue another payment slip.  After payment is made to the cashier, the slip is to be taken back to the pharmacy.  The pharmacy will issue a number, which will appear on a digital screen when the prescription is ready at the pharmacy window.

  • Data update: 2023-03-30
  • Publish Date: 2015-03-27
  • Source: Health Bureau
  • Hit Count: 3673
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